"Be At Peace and Do Nothing!"
"There is nothing you need do ... but wait ... and see what happens!"
How many times have you heard your inner voice telling you to quit doing, quit planning, quit trying to make things happen, quit studying A Course in Miracles and simply let the Course work on you?
There is nothing to do but wait and see what happens. This is actually the fundamental message of Jesus Christ. You are already all the love, joy, and creative power of the universe. You need only do nothing to let God's love, joy, and creative power extend and lighten your world.
"When peace comes at last to those who wrestle with temptation and fight against giving in to sin; when the light comes at last into the mind given to contemplation; or when the goal is finally achieved by anyone, it ALWAYS comes with just ONE happy realization, – 'I need do nothing.' Here is the ultimate release that everyone will one day find in his own way, at his own time. You do not need this time. Time has been SAVED for you." (ACIM Text Chap. 18)
You need do nothing with your mind to experience total enlightenment and total extension of light because ... engaging your mind is your way of compressing the light. Forming your unformed infinite mind into finite thoughts is your method of making yourself little and making a little dark world.
"Oh, but I'll use the infinite energy of my mind to form positive thoughts so I can have prosperity and well-being."
Sure you can do this ... but for every thought you form to create prosperity and well-being, you have inserted an ego self-identification which blocks the infinitely more grand plan God has for your prosperity and well-being, while simultaneously strengthening your downfall. You are simply trying to do it yourself, not trusting that the Holy Spirit, left to His own devices, has a fail-proof plan for your prosperity and well-being which you could not have imagined.
In other words, you trying to think positive thoughts can meet with only temporary limited success only in your judgment, which is not the judgment you really want to be relying on.
"In no situation which arises do you realize the outcome that would make you happy. Therefore you have no guide to appropriate action, and no way of judging the results. What you do is determined by your perception of the situation, and that perception is wrong. It is inevitable, then, that you will not serve your own best interests. Yet they are your only goal in any situation which is correctly perceived. Otherwise, you will not recognize what they are." (ACIM Lesson 24)
"But if I listen inside to the Holy Spirit's voice, to thoughts 'out of the blue' which I didn't make up, I'm often guided to take some action. So the Holy Spirit definitely guides doing."
Yes and no. Yes in the ego's eyes, no in the Holy Spirit's vision. Thoughts "out of the blue" are thoughts you did not initiate in your mind, so you did nothing with your mind. You simply experienced an instant at peace in non-doing, and while at peace in non-doing ... you heard guidance. Now if you follow the Holy Spirit's guidance, although it might seem like you are doing something, you are actually being undone. The Holy Spirit's guidance serves one purpose only, to undo you and the world you've made up. What you interpret as receiving guidance and doing something, the Holy Spirit is happy to see as you following guidance and allowing undoing.
"You perceive the world and everything in it as meaningful in terms of ego goals. These goals have nothing to do with your own best interests, because the ego is not you. This false identification makes you incapable of understanding what anything is for." (ACIM Lesson 25)
"But I've heard that the development of clear spiritual hearing, for example, takes a great amount of practice. What if I practice, and practice, and practice inner hearing so my inner hearing can come to be ever present and easily heard? Isn't all that practice a form of doing?"
Again, not in the Holy Spirit's way of seeing things. Because the very practice of inner hearing is the practice of doing nothing with one's mind, allowing one's thought and picture forming faculties to be altogether disengaged, so what is heard is from what we call "divine intelligence," or the "Voice for God."
"Nonetheless, the Course is a course in mind training. I've heard it said that an untrained mind accomplishes nothing."
Yes, and the "training" referred to is not you training yourself but the Holy Spirit's work, training you to do nothing with your mind. Because everything you've ever done with your untrained mind literally has meant nothing.
In short, there simply is nothing to do. It's as simple as that. Jesus Christ tells us our salvation and our world's salvation is a done deal. But since your ego is deadly afraid that it cannot exist unless it is doing, the desire to do is very, very powerful and deeply ingrained. Your only hope is to pray with all your heart and soul, and all your being, for trust. Then the more you open to trust, the more you are able to let go of all doing and let God.
"'I need do nothing' is a statement of allegiance, a truly undivided loyalty. Believe it for just one instant, and you will accomplish more than is given to a century of contemplation, or of struggle against temptation. (ACIM Text Chap. 18)
So do not ask: what would Jesus do? Rather ask what Jesus asks of you? And the answer from Jesus is: "Victory is already assured! Please remember to do nothing."
"Now you need but remember YOU NEED DO NOTHING. It would be FAR more profitable now merely to concentrate on this, than to consider what you SHOULD do." (ACIM Text Chap. 18)
Would a little humorous memory device serve a purpose?
There is an apocryphal story in which a disciple asks Jesus:
"What is holding me back? It seems I'm stuck?" Jesus answered:
"You're full of yourself, with everything YOU do. A good release is needed, of your own ... do do!"
from: Monthly Article of the Holy Instant Christian Church
Ego as Insert
5 days ago
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