Greetings Holy One,
It seems that relationship in this world involves partnership. And
the concept of partnership is a mirror of the unconscious belief in
incompletion or lack.
Reciprocity always involves "giving to get,"
and this ego belief is dissolved in the Light of giving as God Gives,
unconditionally and everlastingly.
Learning to give in the fullest sense will draw one out of a sense of
having a separate will apart from God's Will.
As long as one holds onto a self-concept or image,
one must want to get something outside of
One Self, and must believe it is possible to do so.
The opportunity with a "partner," indeed with
anybody you meet or even think about
each day, is to learn how to give totally, completely, without
distinctions or conditions of any kind.
Think of it like this.
A partner and anybody that comes to mind are
calling on the Sacred. Listen carefully to the Spirit, for what your
partner or brother or sister is asking for is what you are asking
for. And what you give to your partner, you give to yourself.
This is what is meant by the path of devotion. In devoting yourself
to one goal, forgiveness, you lose all sense of separate interests
and separate selves. No request is too large or small in this
Perspective. You can only join in this Perspective, the Perspective
of the dreamer--never in the dream. Love does not oppose. There is
nothing to fight, defend against, or be right about. And devotion
requires trust, for trust in the Spirit dissolves all doubt.
By learning to give without distinctions, you will learn to
experience your Self as beyond "situations," as Everywhere and
Everything! All that you need do is trust, step back, and do not
interfere with an Experience that will come directly from God.
True Giving will reveal Itself as You.
You will discover that relationship is not personal. The only Real
Relationship is Creation and Creator. Relationship is not between
persons, for thought-form associations deny the only Real
Relationship of Spirit. You cannot experience what True Relationship
is until you have first realized the impossibility of the attempt to
make past associations take the place of Reality. Reality and God are
always in eternal relationship and direct communication
or "Communion." All concepts of relationship must give way to forgiveness,
seeing the false as false, and understanding that thought-forms cannot be
meaningfully associated, ordered, or arranged. A hierarchy of
relationships is meaningless, for Love is One and of Divine origin.
Time is simultaneous, not linear and sequential. Forgiveness does not
attempt to change the past to compensate for a feeling of lack or
guilt or inadequacy or incompletion. It sees the past as over and
gone. By seeing that the picture of the world is just a picture, the
mind is freed from attempting the impossible and can recognize Itself
as Changeless Mind!!! The awareness that illusions are one opens the
way for the Recognition that Mind is One! This is the realization
that Love is All there Is!
Thank You God for Divine Relationship which inspires forever and
Many blessings cascade upon You Holy One,
Our Relationship is intimate and eternal and Divinely Content.
Ego as Insert
4 days ago
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