Sunday, March 26, 2006
Gospel of Thomas
The Nag Hammadi Library
The Gospel of Thomas
Translated by Stephen Patterson and Marvin Meyer
(Visit the Gospel of Thomas Collection for additional information)
"These are the secret sayings that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas recorded.
1. And he said, 'Whoever discovers the interpretation of these sayings will not taste death.'
. Jesus said, 'hose who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will be disturbed. When they are disturbed, they will marvel, and will reign over all. [And after they have reigned they will rest.]'
3. Jesus said, 'Your leaders say to you, 'Look, the (Father's) kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father's) kingdom is within you and it is outside you.
'When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in poverty, and you are the poverty.'
4. Jesus said, 'The person old in days won't hesitate to ask a little child seven days old about the place of life, and that person will live.
'For many of the first will be last, and will become a single one.'
5. Jesus said, 'Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you.
'For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed. [And there is nothing buried that will not be raised.]'
6. His disciples asked him and said to him, 'Do you want us to fast? How should we pray? Should we give to charity? What diet should we observe?'
Jesus said, 'Don't lie, and don't do what you hate, because all things are disclosed before heaven. After all, there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing covered up that will remain undisclosed.'
7. Jesus said, 'Lucky is the lion that the human will eat, so that the lion becomes human. And foul is the human that the lion will eat, and the lion still will become human.'
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Selection from Robert J. Miller, ed., The Complete Gospels: Annotated Scholars Version. (Polebridge Press, 1992, 1994).
Saturday, March 25, 2006
from Miracle Times
A Course In Miracles - Action Of Mind
"My Body Identity is what the Grievance Is!
"You are in an impossible situation.
"You are only ever dealing with the EFFECTS of thought form images in your own mind.
"They are telling you exactly what you asked them to tell you.
"At best they offer you salvation, at worst they are already gone!
"The change MUST occur in the Mind before any hope of real change take place.
"There is absolutely no result, whatsoever, to anything that seems to be happening in time and space.
"The alternative that was shown to me was a provision from out side of time and space.
"It was and is always available to use or reject at every instant.
"The choice is being made all the time, by you in your own Mind.
"Here's Jesus from today's lesson;
'...The light of truth is in us, where it was placed by God. It is the body that is outside us, and is not our concern. To be without a body is to be in our natural state. To recognize the light of truth in us is to recognize ourselves as we are. To see our Self as separate from the body is to end the attack on God's plan for salvation, and to accept it instead. And wherever it is accepted, it is accomplished already.
'What is salvation, Father? I do not know. Tell me, that I may understand.'
"Then we will wait in quiet for His answer...
"The two times I asked this question and really wanted the answer I was told, 'The fix is i'" and 'it is accomplished.' Wow, what a relief. Thank you God. I was simply mistaken, about EVERYTHING!
"After reading this next section I thought I should add it, from the Workbook Lessons,
'Salvation is a promise, made by God, that you would find your way to Him at last. It cannot not be kept. It guarantees that time will have an end, and all the thoughts that have been born in time will end as well. God's Word is given every mind which thinks that it has separate thoughts, and will replace these thoughts of conflict with the Thought of on."
Visit Tony's Blog
Message from David Hoiffmeister
It seems that relationship in this world involves partnership. And
the concept of partnership is a mirror of the unconscious belief in
incompletion or lack.
Reciprocity always involves "giving to get,"
and this ego belief is dissolved in the Light of giving as God Gives,
unconditionally and everlastingly.
Learning to give in the fullest sense will draw one out of a sense of
having a separate will apart from God's Will.
As long as one holds onto a self-concept or image,
one must want to get something outside of
One Self, and must believe it is possible to do so.
The opportunity with a "partner," indeed with
anybody you meet or even think about
each day, is to learn how to give totally, completely, without
distinctions or conditions of any kind.
Think of it like this.
A partner and anybody that comes to mind are
calling on the Sacred. Listen carefully to the Spirit, for what your
partner or brother or sister is asking for is what you are asking
for. And what you give to your partner, you give to yourself.
This is what is meant by the path of devotion. In devoting yourself
to one goal, forgiveness, you lose all sense of separate interests
and separate selves. No request is too large or small in this
Perspective. You can only join in this Perspective, the Perspective
of the dreamer--never in the dream. Love does not oppose. There is
nothing to fight, defend against, or be right about. And devotion
requires trust, for trust in the Spirit dissolves all doubt.
By learning to give without distinctions, you will learn to
experience your Self as beyond "situations," as Everywhere and
Everything! All that you need do is trust, step back, and do not
interfere with an Experience that will come directly from God.
True Giving will reveal Itself as You.
You will discover that relationship is not personal. The only Real
Relationship is Creation and Creator. Relationship is not between
persons, for thought-form associations deny the only Real
Relationship of Spirit. You cannot experience what True Relationship
is until you have first realized the impossibility of the attempt to
make past associations take the place of Reality. Reality and God are
always in eternal relationship and direct communication
or "Communion." All concepts of relationship must give way to forgiveness,
seeing the false as false, and understanding that thought-forms cannot be
meaningfully associated, ordered, or arranged. A hierarchy of
relationships is meaningless, for Love is One and of Divine origin.
Time is simultaneous, not linear and sequential. Forgiveness does not
attempt to change the past to compensate for a feeling of lack or
guilt or inadequacy or incompletion. It sees the past as over and
gone. By seeing that the picture of the world is just a picture, the
mind is freed from attempting the impossible and can recognize Itself
as Changeless Mind!!! The awareness that illusions are one opens the
way for the Recognition that Mind is One! This is the realization
that Love is All there Is!
Thank You God for Divine Relationship which inspires forever and
Many blessings cascade upon You Holy One,
Our Relationship is intimate and eternal and Divinely Content.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
The Gospel of Eve
"I am thou and thou art I.
"I stood upon a high mountain and saw a tall man, and another of short stature, and heard something like the sound of thunder and went nearer in order to hear. Then he spoke to me and said: 'I am thou and thou art I, and wherever thou art, there am I, and I am sown in all things; and whence thou wilt, thou gatherest me, but when thou gatherest me, then gatherest thou thyself.' [Epiphanius, Panarion, 26.3.1]
"They say that the same soul is scattered about in animals, beasts, fish, snakes, humans, trees, and products of nature." [Epiphanius, Panarion, 26.9.1.]
"And the pitiful pair, having made love, then proceed to hold up their blasphemy to heaven, the woman and the man taking the secretion from the male into their own hands and standing looking up to heaven. They hold the impurity in their hands and pray . . and say "We offer you this gift, the body of Christ." And then they consume it, partaking of their shamefulness, and they say: "This is the body of Christ and this is the Pasch for which our bodies suffer." . . When they fall into a frenzy among themselves, they soil their hands with the shame of their secretion, and rising, with defiled hands pray stark naked, as if through such an action they were able to find a hearing with God." [Epiphanius, Panarion, 26.4-5]
"If one of them fails to anticipate the immission of the seed from the natural effluence and the woman becomes pregnant, then listen to something even more dreadful which they dare to do. Extracting the foetus at whatever time they choose to do the operation, they take the aborted infant and pound it up in a mortar with a pestle, and mixing in honey and pepper and some other spices and sweet oils so as not to become nauseous, all the members of that herd of swine and dogs gather together and each partakes with his finger of the crushed-up child." [Epiphanius, Panarion, 26.5.]
The Only Error
"There is only one error.
It is the belief that I am not as God created me.
"This one error includes the belief that My brother is not as God created him.
It is the same error. It has the same solution.
"The one solution, the one correction of this mistake,
Is Atonement, the forgiveness of my error. "
[The Atonement, or undoing of error, consists of
not seeing what never occurred.]
hearken back to the Schma in the Jewish tradition*:
"Hear, O Israel: the Lord is our God, the lord is One"
Append: The Lord is One, I and the Lord is One. We are One.
"My Brother and I are One.
My Father and I are One."
As a side note: here are RaMBaN's* Principles of Faith (--one can clearly see the distinction between good and evil--the duality. However, if the Lord is One, there what power can arise to oppose Him? Don't these statements not express the Unity of Creator with the Creation, or leave them unstated? In this iteration, the Schma does not go as far as Kirsten in her extensions) :
God exists God is one and unique.
God is incorporeal.
God is eternal Prayer is to be directed to God alone and to no other.
The words of the prophets are true.
Moses's prophecies are true, and
Moses was the greatest of the prophets.
The Written Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) and Oral Torah (teachings now contained in the Talmud and other writings) were given to Moses.
There will be no other Torah.
God knows the thoughts and deeds of men.
God will reward the good and punish the wicked.
The Messiah will come.
The dead will be resurrected.
Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (1194-1270), also called RaMBaN (acronym) or Nachmanides, a preeminent halakhist, religious scholar and mystical teacher who lived in Spain. After a debate over which is the superior religion Judaism or Christianity, though granted immunity by the King, he fled to Israel and is regarded as the first proponent of Zionism.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
New Version of A Course In Miracles
I returned to the Peace House after six months of travel and am enjoying the joy and laughter with Jeffrey Lake, Sylvia Gonzalez and Chris Cornelius for several days before departing for Europe for more holy encounters.
Greta from ACIMI had written to me asking if I had seen their new printed version of A Course In Miracles, and after I wrote back she sent me a couple copies.
Last year my friend Dana had showed Kirsten and I the new published version of the book, which is based on the Criswell Edition (public domain version) of A Course In
Miracles and the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth according to St. Matthew and St. John. The latter gospels are taken from the Aramaic of the Peshitta.
Thanks to Greta and ACIMI for sharing this information with everyOne.
For more information about the book you can contact:
A Course In Miracles International
Miracles Communication Center
P.O. Box 217, Lake Delton, WI 53940
Phone: 608-253-4622
In Love & Gratitude,
About Jeffrey Lake
"Jeffrey Lake held his first talks in Edmonton, Alberta.
"He began speaking at various addiction and spiritual centers and with many individuals. He also worked as a counselor in a group home.
"A deep sense of joy guided him from within and eventually he was inspired to leave his job, apartment and possessions to learn a life of trust.
"He embarked on a journey that took him all throughout Canada.
"Several times during his travels he was spontaneously invited to speak at various groups to share his joy and wisdom.
"It was during this journey that Jeffrey had a vision of traveling with "Teach Only Love" as a symbol of shining the Christ Presence.
"Soon after, he arrived at the PeaceHouse in Cincinnati, OH to study A Course In Miracles metaphysics with David.
"In a short time Jeffrey emerged as a clear, loving, consistent, and uncompromising teacher of God.
"He was Called to share his teachings and open a center in Great Falls, Montana. "There he appeared on television interviews and profound writings and inspired teaching sessions came pouring through him as an expression of his love and devotion.
"Jeffrey has traveled throughout the United States and Canada sharing many gatherings and has inspired hundreds of people to open their hearts to God's Love.
"He often teaches on Pal Talk in the ACIM Gather room and, together with the participants, exposes and uncovers the "i know" ego mind so that right-minded thinking and healing can be experienced.
"Jeffrey expresses the clarity of the Holy Spirit, the Teacher of teachers, and offers the Discernment necessary to be free of the ego forever.
Jeffrey is experienced and advanced in the Art of Awakening to Pure, Perfect Oneness.
"In Love & Gratitude,
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Kirsten, Revised
He creates by Giving, by giving us the Love
in which We were Created, and in which
We Create.
We share the
Love that He Is.
To remember God
Is to accept our Oneself as God created Us,
To give as He gives,
And to teach what God Is--
Is Love, for that What We Are.
from Kirsten
I asked the Holy Spirit about Oneness this morning,
With love as always,
You can feel it. It is a feeling, knowing you are connected to
everything, to everyone, you Are everything, everyone.
There is nothing outside of You, there is nothing outside of your
mind. Therefore there is nothing to fear.
There is nowhere you have not been, You Are everywhere.
How can you yearn for things unknown when there is only One Mind,
And that Mind is inclusive.
Remember always there is no one and nothing outside of your Mind.
I Am within your Mind. I Am Your Voice. There is only One Voice for
God, this Voice is within the One Mind, seemingly Guiding each "one"
home to the remembrance of God, remember there is only One Voice.
What is spoken to each "individual" is right for him to hear at that
time. Therefore do not contradict (attempt to correct) your brother
because he is always right. He is being Guided as you are,
But what is right for him may not be for you (to follow) at this
exact moment in time. This is where discernment comes in.
Trust in My Voice, knowing I Am Your Voice, the One Voice for God,
heard and spoken through all when you have the ears to hear.
Remember everything is carefully planned for you by One who loves
you. There are no exceptions.
To hear My Voice spoken through another is no different to hearing
My Voice spoken from "within". When resistance is high, when fear is
present, when doubt is projected onto form, My Voice cannot be heard.
Guidance given you is perfect for you at the time. There is One plan
for awakening but it is highly individualized.
Question: What about "honoring people where they are at" when it
seems like honoring resistance sometimes?
Honor the Christ. Honor your brothers/sisters for the Love that they
From the Manual For Teachers, #4 What are the Characteristics of
Gods Teachers? #8.Patience, Pg 15
"Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait
without anxiety. Patience is natural to the teacher of God."
"Sure of the ultimate interpretation of all things in time, no
outcome already seen or yet to come can cause them fear."
My Blog List
What Ego's Absence Reveals6 days ago
Plans6 years ago
Double Triptych18 years ago