What is Mind?
You do not have a private, separate mind. You are a Whole Mind. The self-concept is based in the belief in separation and obscures awareness of this Whole Mind.
In this world Mind has been forgotten, seemingly replaced by the experience of the senses and the activity of the brain. At times you have associated the brain with the Mind, and neurological activity with thinking. This is far from the truth! Quantum physicists and mystics have spoken for years about the unsubstantial nature of the "material universe." The brain, the body, the world, and indeed the entire time-space cosmos are all projections (like movie images on a giant screen) of concepts that God did not create. These concepts are temporary, not eternal, infinite, and changeless as is Reality. These concepts obscure awareness of the vast experience of one's Self as Divine Mind.
The Mind is metaphysical or beyond the physical. As false limitations of belief placed on mind are raised to awareness and laid aside, you will remember how magnificent and powerful the Mind is, and the glory that You truly are. In the deceived state of forgetfulness, you are afraid of the power of your Mind because, as you see yourself, you believe you have misused this power and lost your glory.
Mind is unlike anything in the world you perceive. It is all-encompassing and always reaches to Itself, for in truth there is nothing "outside" of It. Divine Mind was created in the likeness of God, and therefore True Identity is an idea in the Mind of God and shares the attributes of God. Stated another way, God is the Cause and True Identity is an Effect or extension of God. Mind is One, Whole, Unified, and Changelessly Eternal.
In this world, Divine Mind (Abstract Light, Peace, and Joy) has been temporarily forgotten. This is apparent from the experience of duality, the fear-prone condition of specifics and fragmentation which seems to be the humam condition. Consciousness is the mind which seems to be split and asleep.
All concepts relating to consciousness are metaphors and "stepping stones" that can be used to awaken to the Reality of Divine Mind (Love). Using the metaphor of time, consciousness can be trained to reach a "leaping off point" and thus vanish, replaced entirely by Reality or Oneness. Complete forgiveness of illusions is this "leaping off point," for in Reality there is nothing to forgive. The True Identity needs no forgiveness, for it is untouched by illusions, being created by God.
Discernment is the means by which the false is seen as false, and thus escaped. Gaining the awareness of discernment is the only helpful use of time, space, bodies, money, computers, resources, and all the symbols of the world.
Ego as Insert
6 days ago
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