Beloved One,
The Holy Spirit offers this 10 step Guide to Enlightenment that can be used as a Guideline for spiritual practice.
Awakening Mind is a symbol that expresses Divine Principle in action:
1. Volunteers- Awakening Mind does not involve the concept of membership and therefore relies entirely upon volunteers for every aspect of the ministry. Volunteers receive no financial compensation and no perks or tangible rewards for their devotion to Awakening. The benefits given & received are entirely Spiritual & always purely and simply a State of Mind.
2. Non-profit- Awakening Mind is completely non-profit. The Purpose for the ministry is experiencing Present Inner Peace through forgiveness and thus there is no incentive to grow larger or attain money or power or possessions or property. Present peace is content with the Present Moment and therefore unconcerned with the past or future.
3. Intuitive- Awakening Mind encourages everyone to develop intuitive listening to their Inner Guide and to trust and depend upon this Guidance for decisions in everyday living. How one feels is a barometer for discerning that which is intuitively helpful, and peace is its own reward.
4. Divine Providence- Awakening Mind nurtures the awareness and experience that trust would settle every problem now. Trust in the Holy Spirit & Christ is the means Given by God to Answer every seeming problem that arises in perception. Participants in the ministry are always referred and directed to the Voice for God within and toward the recognition that God is the Creator & Source & Provider.
5. Non-judgment- All comparisons & opinions & assumptions naturally give way to Intuitive Guidance as a practical Alternative to conflict. Guidance is always respected and following Inner Guidance is always encouraged. The outcome of listening to and following the Holy Spirit & Christ is always peace, love, happiness, freedom, & joy. There need not be any exceptions to trusting Inner Guidance and living a life of integrity and honesty and harmony.
6. Generosity- To give is to receive. Awakening Mind honors the Divine Law of Love. Freely you have received, now freely give. Giving is an attitude that extends Love and continuously receives and experiences Love extending. Love knows no lack or scarcity or deprivation. Love is an Abundant State of Mind that is whole and completely Shared.
7. No private thoughts- Awakening Mind is the experience of Union, a Unified Mind in which there is no secret kept apart from Spirit. Everything is openly revealed in the Light of Truth. Love has nothing to hide and is forever openly revealed exactly As It Is. Only the Thoughts of God can be shared, and there is nothing else to share.
8. No people pleasing- Awakening Mind advocates always following Inner Guidance and accepting complete responsibility for one's state of mind. Conformity to `external authority' or unconscious beliefs is never authentic or helpful on the spiritual journey. The laws of the land need not be broken if one follows the Inner Guidance of the Holy Spirit, and impeccable integrity is the certain outcome of yielding to the Holy Spirit for all decisions. `Holy Spirit decide for God for me' is our constant prayer of gratitude, and it is very practical. This yielding to the Spirit offers immediate results.
9. No control over the world- With total responsibility for one's state of mind also comes the realization that there is nothing to control in this world. The Observer is One with everything and now all things are perfect exactly As Is. Atonement is a state of perfect Acceptance. Such is the happy dream of forgiveness, the forgiven world.
10. Peaceful Experience- Awakening Mind is an experience that transcends all specific concepts.
Divine Silence simply Is.
Simply do this:
Be still, and lay aside all thoughts of what you are and what God is; all concepts you have learned about the world; all images you hold about yourself.
Empty your mind of everything it thinks is either true or false, or good or bad, of every thought it judges worthy, and all the ideas of which it is ashamed.
Hold onto nothing.
Do not bring with you one thought the past has taught, nor one belief you ever learned before from anything.
Forget this world, forget this course, and come with wholly empty hands unto your God.
Love Always,
Foundation for the Awakening Mind
335 Random Drive
New London, North Carolina 28127
Ego as Insert
6 days ago
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