Friday, February 29, 2008

Time to Teach A Course In Miracles

Time to Teach A Course in Miracles is an effective teachers program with a simple class structure. This structure enables you to present your understanding and experience of A Course in Miracles, in a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental environment. This environment stimulates you to voice your innermost convictions of the truth, in all its aspects and simplicity. Equally gifted as teachers of God, we gather and share, accelerate and celebrate the transformative message of A Course in Miracles.

On the website you will find all the necessary guidelines and directions, to participate in and facilitate this unique program yourself. I post all the current assignments and upload video presentations with several guest teachers as an example of how time to teach works.
A Time to Teach Online Class will be held every friday at 1 pm Central Time USA. Prepare your presentation using the assignment posted for the week. You will be given 5-15 minutes to teach, depending on the number of participating teachers. See you there. No registration is required, just visit the link below and enter the class.
click here to go to the online class
The website further has audios, videos, articles, prayer, and links to inspiring blogs and useful websites.

That this program may inspire you to teach the message of A Course In Miracles with your unique voice and expression.
To receive the weekly assignments and other updates by e-mail write me a short message at:
Thank you.

With Love and Light,

Bastiaan Berende

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