Monday, August 21, 2006

The Voice for God

Dear David ,

It's nice to be writing you. I hope this email finds you well.

This past year, Candace and I conducted 76 workshops around the country teaching people how to hear God's Voice within them.

Because our curriculum was so effective at teaching people how to connect with the Holy Spirit within them, we have created an inspiring flash movie called The Voice for God that includes a FREE 30 day audio series designed to walk people through the same teachings we shared with you in person.

We are writing you because we want to make these teachings as widely available as possible and want to share this inspiring movie with you and your community. We think it's one of the most exciting, free offerings available anywhere for hearing God's Voice within, and there are absolutely no strings attached. People can download all of the audio lessons, or read and print out the transcripts. The curriculum is nearly identical to the one we presented in person this past year. Below is the announcement email we recently sent to our personal mailings list two days ago.

To watch the inspiring 3 minute flash movie now, please click here. We'd love to hear what you think about it. If you have any questions, please let us know.

Many blessings to you.

With love,

DavidPaul Doyle


Thanks DavidPaul & Candace,

I just returned from my travels to Arhus, Denmark & Goteborg, Sweden, and my freind Alex showed me the movie this morning. Thanks for offering this movie and the free lessons to all the world.

Today Alex and Anna and I meet with Swedish filmaker Kay Pollak, who has been an ACIM student for many years and recently made: "As It IS In Heaven." He shares his book and a course on living happiness with many interested people here in Sweden.

Love & Blessings,



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