"To God all things are possible, but you must ask His answer only of Himself."Perhaps you think you do, but be you sure that if you did you would be quiet now and wholly undismayed by anything. Do not attempt to guess His Will for you. Do not assume that you are right because an answer seems to come from Him. Be sure you ask, and then be still and let Him speak."
---Quoted by Kenneth Wapnick in Absence From Felicity, Chapter 17, pp.466-87 http://www.miraclestudies.net/Absence_17_H&J.html
Monday, January 28, 2008
Clarification: Special Message
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Christ Consciousness Online
- representing a State of Being that brings Peace and Freedom and to which so many of us aspire.
This website has no agenda other than to introduce you to the many faces of CHRIST MIND. You are invited to meet us and explore what we do and who we are. We each bring a unique flavor and yet, through reviewing what we offer you will discover a consistency of Love, Passion, Divine Inspiration, Peace and the Desire to share how YOU might embrace the Way and live it from this state of mind too.
Please explore and share this beautiful website with friends, for just as the Ministry and words of Jeshua/Jesus were extended from one to another creating a wave, so too will CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS become the Movement of the future for those sincere in their Journey home to God.
Article on Divine Providence
Providence is the natural state of the mind.
How much does your Father love you? It is infinite; we are truly
loved by the whole Universe. That immense Love has no limits, no
boundaries, no restrictions, and no exceptions. That Love is within
us waiting to be discovered, to be found and enjoyed. How do I know
this? There's a daily life example in my life that taught me a lot
about Divine Providence. I have a one year old son. He started to use
a fork for eating a month ago. He was very proud that he could eat on
his own. So I stopped helping him with eating, and I always
congratulate him when he shows me how well he eats with his new
plastic fork. But if he could hurt himself, I'll help him even before
he could call me.
Picture yourself as a child. God is your father and mother, and even
more; he's your best friend. Whatever you can do and you want to do
by your own, God is not going to interfere -unless you do harm to
yourself. So, if you love doing your job, just do it, go on, there's
no need to think of Divine Providence. But what if you feel depressed
because you found that in this world all efforts are the same, and
all efforts keep us separate from the Love of God?
The journey to God is a journey without path. It isn't even a
journey, just a Realization. In this Realization the first step is to
observe that we don't accept ourselves. We always want to be better
people. A great proof of this is the time we spend thinking of the
past or the future. Think of someone you really love - are you
thinking of their past or future? Or when you think of that person do
you embrace the happy moments shared together?
Many seekers of the truth around the world want to become Jesus
Christ, but the "becoming" is the cause of our suffering. We are
perfect just the way we are, whatever we have done in the past and
whatever our thoughts are. In this acceptance, the Light is able to
make us remember the Eternal truth of who we are. Saint Francis' case
is a great illustration of accepting oneself and experiencing Divine
Providence as a consequence. He shouted in the park, after having a
fight with his biological father, what he thought about himself. He
said in front of many people all his opinions about himself. He said:
I'm a drunk, I'm lustful, I'm a thief, I'm a hypocrite, etc. He was
defenseless. He gave all his negative thoughts to the Spirit. He
didn't hide his dark side anymore. He didn't try to be someone else,
exposing his thoughts in front of so many people. So it was very easy
for God to help him. It's very easy for the Grace to transform us
when we accept ourselves, when we don't protect the illusions. Our
main problem is that we want to hide our dark side from the Light. We
always defend our opinions from the Divine Help. In every judgment we
have the chance to call God, who always answers our prayers, always.
Saint Francis' story is great to realize that we want to become
saints before accepting ourselves. It's impossible! Francis took off
his masks in front of the people of his own town, where he had lived
for his entire life, and then he became enlightened. Our masks are
made of private thoughts. We have many thoughts we don't want to give
to the Holy Spirit to heal. And the Holy Spirit is always there for
us. When we're not peacefully living the Present Moment, it's a
great opportunity to call for help. The same happens when we do not
perceive the abundance in which God created us.
We can trust God for EVERYTHING; exceptions are not good for us. I
lived near the Andes Mountains in a small Village in the South of Argentina.
I was there for five weeks. The first two weeks I had
little money for survival, and the rest I had no money. That was the
biggest treasure God gave me to meet his Eternal Love. I was pushed
to trust Him for absolutely EVERYTHING. I was living 1500 km away
from my family and friends. Waking up every morning was a divine
adventure. I couldn't spend much time with the distractions of the
ego (complaining, criticizing, trying to change the outside world,
and defending from the attacks it perceives). So I had to listen to
the Voice of Love within. I asked God every morning: "God, what do I
do now?" And then the Voice guided me for absolutely everything. I
didn't ask anyone for help those days. All I received was naturally
offered to me. The Voice of Love said: go over there, turn right,
turn left, stay there for a while, do that thing, and so on. I met
the people I needed; I was invited to have breakfast, lunch, dinner
and even more. I enjoyed "Birthday cakes", which I like eating very
much. I could have felt desperate, lonely, or sad. I hadn't enough
time for that. I had to submerge into the deepest experience of
Divine Guidance I have ever had.
Extreme experiences are great because the ego always plays and plays
the distraction game. It's so tricky. The ego's last game is the
spiritual one. It disguises itself as a spiritual seeker and makes
you read and be interested in many spiritual teachers and teachings,
but it will do whatever it can to keep you away from having your own
encounter with God.
That's why it's so important to develop our relationship with God. If
not we'll be spiritual seekers forever and ever - trying to be
saints, pushing ourselves to forgive "others" instead of finding the
innocence within, attending infinite workshops to be a "better
person," and all the while never having our own experience of God.
Besides, how can we forgive others if we condemn ourselves? What is
that idea of "being better"? We judge ourselves for our addictions,
we judge ourself for our relationships, and we judge ourselves for
not being that beautiful person we think we should be.
Talk to God about your dark side, about all the things you don't like
about yourself and those you share your life with. You'll feel great.
The best relationship with God is friendship. You'll feel confident
to talk about your secrets with God if you consider God your best
friend. Once you realize you are the perfect Child of God, and
everything in this world means big efforts without God's help, you'll
trust God for EVERYTHING. THIS IS DIVINE PROVIDENCE . It's not about
not being useful or helpful, it's not about not doing anything, it's
not about being lazy - it's about trusting God for your survival in
this world. And God is going to guide you.
Sometimes we feel God is not helping us and it is exactly the
opposite. As with the example of the baby and the fork - sometimes we
are hurting ourselves and we can't realize it, but God helps us even
before we call. Maybe you lost your job and you are angry because of
that. I'm sure that it is for good, because maybe you were doing
something you didn't like. Or maybe your husband or wife is gone and
later you realized he or she didn't love you, that the relationship
was hurting you. Can you see? Every time we feel like a victim we can
go deeper and realize that God is in charge of our lives and he's
doing everything for good. These are the attachments: the things,
situations, or people that are hurting us that we can't let go.
When my baby son was three weeks old I felt a tremendous pain in my
chest. At that moment I told God: "God, I'm sure this pain represents
lack of love in my life. I'm asking you to get everything and
everyone that's hurting me away from my path." Two days later my
husband had an episode of violence against me, the baby, and my
parents. At that moment I had a mystical experience in which I saw a
big hand made of Light that was putting things in order. My husband
had to move away from the house. The first day was very difficult for
all of us, but later everything went on perfectly - the situations,
the people, the money for the bills, for food, for survival. My
parents supported me a lot, and it was very clear for me that my
marriage was based on fear and not in love. That wasn't the only
relationship that fell away -. many friends disappeared too. I still
live in the same house with the baby, but we are not alone. We
invited the Holy Spirit to live with us and all we need is provided
to us by Him. I felt so much resistance to accepting that all I
needed would be given to me, but just not in the usual way of having
a job and earning money.
I realized God is not fond of the usual ways of earning money in
exchange for something, because the practice has kept people in the
illusion of separation. So, money is going to come to you but the way
God wants. I'd rather say that everything you need is going to come
to you - it could be money or things, and it doesn't matter. In the
path to the Remembrance of God we can feel that we don't have what we
want, but we can be sure we've got everything we need: Much Love.
Paola Moraña
Author Bio
Paola Moraña lives with her young son in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
She is currently available for talks and consultations in Argentina.
You can write to her at:
amarapurusha@ yahoo.com. ar
or call her at: 054-11-4247- 2365.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
Here are the original Guidelines given by Jesus to Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford for the overall use of A Course In Miracles in the world. These Guidelines are still very helpful and practical today.
1. A Course In Miracles was copyrighted when it was first published in the 1970s in order to keep its thought-system intact during the first 3 decades of its birth and distribution to the world.
2. A Course In Miracles was intended to be a self-study course. Only Jesus & the Holy Spirit can reveal the meaning of the Course to the student's mind. Only God knows the readiness of the student to receive this revelation.
3. A Course In Miracles was only to be published by those who devoted their lives to its guardianship.
4. A Course In Miracles was not to be commercially advertised. It has and will continue to make its own way around the world. Freely you have received, now freely give.
5. Free copies of A Course In Miracles were to be provided to those people who could not afford the cost of the Course. This function was originally the responsibility of the publisher, and now is up to everyone who hears and Answers the Call. A Course In Miracles is now offered freely on the Internet for those who wish to read and/or print a copy of the book for their study and use.
6. No one was to make any money from A Course In Miracles. Revenues and donations are always to be used for sharing and extending the Course with the world and experiencing the Inner Peace of the Kingdom of Heaven within.
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What Ego's Absence Reveals6 days ago
Plans6 years ago
Double Triptych18 years ago