Thursday, December 20, 2007
Re: teaching from David Hoffmeister
"Here is an excerpt from an article on Divine Providence I am working on:
"Money is nothing: yet if a mind perceives and believes in a belief in
a lack of it, or in a need to reciprocate ("as in what goes around comes around;" or "income is outflow"") , money is attributed with false value.
"The belief in lack or reciprocity is the belief in substituting the ego for Source, or God.
"The reason money seems valuable is because it seems to be valued in exchange for many "things" that meet illusory needs, whether they seem emotional, physical, or spiritual.
"Like medicine, money is like a magic spell of the world that seems to make illusory problems disappear for awhile.
"Yet until the ego has been released entirely, the mind perceives needs
and external means (false sources) to meet the perceived needs.
"It all comes down to this: one must accept One Self as Changeless
Divine Mind.
"The only step to this is realizing that the world cannot change, for it is an unreal effect of an unreal cause.
"The world CANNOT change.
"Asking for things to be different than they are is an impossible request.
"Let's return to the example of money.
"Money, like all effects (images of the ego), is never a source. The meaningful request is a request to see the world differently (as an unreal effect of an unreal cause) and to thus accept the Fact that there is only One Source.
"God is the ONLY Source.
"The only question/problem/ confusion is one of identity
and has absolutely nothing to do with money or the perceived form
outcomes and issues of the world.
"Trust would settle every problem now, for to trust is to be God dependent.
"The reversal of thought necessary to realize God dependence is a full 360 degree turn around, so to speak, and this means the realization that there are no
cause/effect relationships in this world that are true.
"If all the images (including money) are effects, there is no cause or
source to be found in this world.
"God is True Source and Christ the True Effect. Therefore the secret to true prayer is to forget the things you think you think and think you need by withdrawing faith in the temporal and that which is transitory.
"What is Eternal is valuable, just as what is of time is valueless by definition.
"With regard to this world, Purpose is the only "value" that can be given
faith if you would be God dependent.
"Giving and receiving are one. One always receives EXACTLY what one
asks for.
"The problem or confusion one may seem to experience in
perception comes about from the belief in "manifesting, " which IS the
belief in "time."
"Eternity does not manifest, Being One forever.
"Manifesting is the belief that the Eternal can take form, that Infinity can become finite, that Spirit can enter matter.
"Awakening is the experience of forgiving the illusion of "manifesting, " for What
is Identity but Spirit.
"Christ comes not into form, but Calls the sleeping mind "out of the world" to recognize our Self as Eternal Spirit.
"Is there a willingness to release the idea of manifesting forever and
experience Peace of Mind?
"This is the same as asking, 'Are you willing to accept your Self as God created You instead of trying to make yourself?'
"The belief in manifesting can be released for it is not true.
"Spirit can and inevitably must be accepted, for It is true.
"The belief in linear time is a defense against the Holy Instant, for time
is but a denial of Eternity.
"Beloved Child of God, You have been released of the grievance of time
and there is no delay in what Your thoughts create instantly and
"The belief in time and manifesting is an unwillingness to
accept the Instant Answer Now, and one can only receive what one is
willing to hear and see.
"When one asks for a sign or for an outcome or for accountability and responsibility in form, one asks amiss, for one is asking out of lack.
"When one has voluntarily released the beliefs in manifesting and time, one can then honestly ask: 'God, what is Your Will for me?'
"Prayer is always answered according to what the mind is willing to receive.
"And in the deepest prayer of the heart you shall realize what is meant by the statement "My thoughts create eternally."
"There is a difference between create and make, and a difference
between extension and projection.
"Love creates, the ego makes. Love extends, the ego projects.
"In Love being and having are the same.
"To the ego, possession and having are the same, and in a world of lack
what you get is what you have.
"How utterly impossible is manifesting/ getting and how absolutely true is Creation/Giving.
"Reciprocity is a question of identity.
"Trust is the way out of the false belief in a worldly identity.
"It takes trust to change your mind so completely that you forget the concepts of time and manifesting forever.
"And happily it requires only willingness and not really any time at all."
Monday, December 03, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
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Tuesday, November 13, 2007
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Monday, November 12, 2007
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Saturday, November 03, 2007
Question for David Hoffmeister
Hi David,
I have a question for you about how you deal with things like healthy
diet and exercise.
I used to be very gung-ho about eating really healthy and exercising
daily, but in the last several months I've started to realize that I
was doing those things mostly out of fear that if I DIDN'T... it would
lead to health problems, gaining unwanted weight, etc.. Therefore, I
decided to just stop "should-ing" on myself, and just making my ONLY
priority to practice forgiveness. If I feel inspired to exercise or
eat a healthy meal, I do, but if I don't feel inspired, I just do
whatever I want. As a result, I've noticed that I've been eating in a
way that isn't as healthy as I used to be and not exercising as much,
and I've also been gaining a little weight.
So I'm sort of conflicted right now about this. It doesn't feel good
to "force" myself to do things that I don't feel like doing but that I
think I "should" do. I know that if I forced myself to start
exercising daily right now, it would be motivated primarily by fear.
But the thing is, I don't really have much fear left around the body.
I know that the body is not important except as a learning device, and
I trust that whatever happens with my body will be exactly what's
meant to happen ("the script is written") and that I need not worry
about it. But on the other hand, I still feel this nagging "should"
telling me that I should exercise and eat healthier.
Have you ever dealt with these issues? How would you recommend I look
at this?
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
Beloved One,
Thanks for writing. Yes, the ego's 'shoulds' around diet and exercise
and health are some of its common tricks at maintaining guilt. It is
always helpful to remember that health is inner peace, and the Holy
Spirit sees the body as neutral. The focus on mind watching is most
important, no matter what the form of judgment seems to be.
The question about diet is another version of the prayer to step back
and let the Spirit lead the way. The curriculum is highly
individualized, so I cannot speak in broad generalities about diet. It
is most helpful with diet, as with all things, to be highly Intuitive
and thus very open to the Spirit's Guidance. You may use the prayer:
"Holy Spirit Guide my eating that I may be Fed by You." Truly it is
not what you eat that is most important on the spiritual journey, but
Who is Guiding the mind is All important. It is not what you put in
your mouth that defiles, but that which proceeds from an unhealed
heart. Likewise, the miracle brings healing far beyond what the ego
judges as "healthy food."
Healing always depends upon exposing and releasing the ego belief
system, for thus is distorted perception healed. Problems are never in
form, being always a belief in the deceived mind. The ego projected a
body and food and weight issues and fitness issues, etc., to distract
the mind from the Light within. In the reversal of thought the Holy
Spirit sponsors, the mind is empowered as the mechanism of Awakening.
As you learn to think with the Holy Spirit you will be truly healthy
and vibrant and joyful and energetic. This health comes from sharing
the Purpose of the Spirit, which is forgiveness.
The body is a symbol or representation, so when you feel well this is
a sign that you are following the Spirit. Let your feelings be a
barometer to the voice that you are following, and learn to trust the
Voice for God within the mind. Eat what you feel Guided to eat and
when you feel Guided to eat, and let this be a practice of the ACIM
Workbook lesson: I will step back and let Him lead the way. The ego
will attribute the feeling to form as it always does. Yet as you
deepen with the Spirit it becomes more obvious that health is a
decision of Purpose and the form is always just a backdrop or stage.
In Awakening it becomes apparent that there is nothing causative in
form, and this includes the body and food and exercise and the
environment. Every experience is a decision of the mind. With training
the mind is consistently miracle minded or right-minded, and this
state of mind is healthy. The happy dream is healthy indeed, and peace
of mind results from the Purpose & Perspecive of the Spirit. In
Quantum Physics terms, this is the Observer. In ACIM terms, this is
the Dreamer.
Digest the Spirit's Purpose and you will never hunger again. At some
point in my experience the concepts of diet and exercise and physical
health and fitness that were part of the David self concept just
seemed to fade and dissolve and disappear entirely.:) Keep the focus
on undoing false belief, and see how concerns are easily undone in
forgiveness. :)
Love & Blessings and Gratitude,
http://miracleshome .org
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Going deeper inward: more relationship questions: David
Thank you for answering our sister with such love and patience.
Please elaborate on the nature of unconditional love and how it
relates to romantic relationships in general, both when the love is
unrequited and when male and female energies join for the purpose of a
Holy Relationship.
In your spare time and all:)
Love and miss you
The most romantic action one can take is giving over a relationship to
the Holy Spirit's Care. In this way you will not experience personal
responsibility for it and you will release any sense of guilt or anger
that you have previously experienced with the relationship construct.
Holy relationship is based on Giving to Extend Love instead of the
ego's personal goal of 'giving to get.' Giving from the heart is the
Purpose for everything, and this leads to the experience of
unconditional, Agape, Divine Love. Though the body was made/projected
by the ego, the Holy Spirit can now use the body to expand perception,
which is a step toward Christ Vision.
"The Love of God, for a little while, must still be expressed through
one body to another. That is because the real vision is still so dim.
Everyone can use his body best by enlarging one's perception, so he
can see the real Vision. This Vision is invisible to the physical eye.
The ultimate purpose of the body is to render itself unnecessary.
Inappropriate sex drives (or misdirected miracle-impulses) result in
guilt if expressed, and depression if denied. We said before that ALL
real pleasure comes from doing God's will. Whenever it is NOT done an
experience of lack results. This is because NOT doing the will of God
IS a lack of self." -Jesus
Remember that you are Called to be a miracle worker, and that allowing
miracles to be performed through you is your natural profession. This
Purpose eliminates all sadness and isolation and feelings of
loneliness. This Purpose brings a lasting feeling of intimacy and
"Indiscriminate sexual impulses resemble indiscriminate miracle
impulses in that both result in body image misperceptions. The first
is an expression of an indiscriminate attempt to reach communion
through the body. Fantasies are distorted forms of thinking, because
they always involve twisting perception into unreality. Fantasy is a
debased form of vision. Visions and Revelations are closely related.
Fantasies and projection are more closely associated, because both
attempt to control external reality according to false internal needs.
Sexual fantasies are distortions of perception by definition. They are
a means of making false associations, and obtaining pleasure from
them. No fantasies, sexual or otherwise, are true. Fantasies become
totally unnecessary as the Wholly satisfying nature of reality becomes
apparent. The sex impulse IS a miracle impulse when it is in proper
focus." -Jesus
This focus always means being used by the Holy Spirit as a step in
enlarging perception and approaching real Vision.
"Tension is the result of a building-up of unexpressed
miracle-impulses, This can be truly abated only by releasing the
miracle-drive, which has been blocked." -Jesus
Relationships are opportunities to teach and learn perfect equality
and freedom of mind. Possession is always an ego motive, and here are
some teachings from Jesus which, like the ones above, were originally
dictated to Helen and were left out of the public published version of
"Possession is a concept which has been subject to numerous
distortions, some of which we will list below:
1. It (possession) can be associated with the body only. If this
occurs, sex is particularly likely to be contaminated. Possession
versus being possessed is apt to be seen as the male and female role.
Since neither will be conceived of as satisfying alone, and both will
be associated with fear, this interpretation is particularly
vulnerable to psychosexual confusion.
2. From a rather similar misperceptual reference point, possession
can also be associated with things. This is essentially a shift from
1), and is usually due to an underlying fear of associating possession
with people. In this sense, it is an attempt to PROTECT people, like
the superstition about "protecting the name", we mentioned before.
Both 1) and 2) are likely to become compulsive for several reasons,
a. They represent an attempt to escape from the real possession-drive,
which cannot be satisfied this way.
b. They set up substitute goals, which are usually reasonably easy to
c. They APPEAR to be relatively harmless, and thus SEEM to allay fear.
The fact that they usually interfere with good interpersonal
relationships can be interpreted, in this culture, as a lack of
sophistication on the part of the OTHER (not the self), and this
induces a false feeling of confidence in the solution, based on
reliability NOT validity. It is also fairly easy to find a partner who
SHARES the illusion. Thus, we have any number of relationships which
are actually ESTABLISHED on the basis of 1), and others which HOLD
TOGETHER primarily because of the joint interests in 2).
d. The manifestly EXTERNAL emphasis which both entail seems to be a
safety device, and thus permits a false escape from much more basic
inhibitions. As a compromise solution, the ILLUSION of interpersonal
relating is preserved, along with the retention of the lack of love
component. This kind of psychic juggling leaves the person (or
juggler) with a feeling of emptiness, which in fact is perfectly
justified, because he IS acting from scarcity. He then becomes more
and more driven in his behavior, to fill the emptiness.
...Generally, two types of emotional disturbances result:
a. The tendency to maintain the illusion that only the physical is
real. This produces depression.
b. The tendency to invest the physical with non-physical properties.
This is essentially magic, and tends more toward anxiety-proneness.
c. The tendency to vacillate from one to the other, which produces a
corresponding vacillation between depression AND anxiety.
Both result in self imposed starvation." -Jesus
I hope this offers a clearer context for releasing the desire to be
'special' in the world and to 'possess' a partner. Unconditional Love
has no object, seeing everything in the Love of God with the Vision of
Christ. This Light is the outcome of working miracles and freeing the
mind of all fear and sense of lack associated with being human.
Forever in Love,
Dear David and writers,
I also very much appreciated your wisdom and love in the emails to the
divine child who sees herself as lovesick. I wrote down the passage:
"Give this relationship to the Spirit and let it be used to purify
the mind from the ego's need to 'get' anything. Give the love you
feel, and you will come to know Love as our Self. Let the spirit lead
the way to true forgiveness.
realized that, even though I am still in a relationship with a man I
love, and he tells and shows me he loves me very much, I have still
managed to find myself wavering back and forth into a similar state
of "love sick" mind. For a year or so this man wanted to spend all
his time with me (even a little too much for my liking!) and saw me as
his "wife" and partner, and now he is needing to take some space and
time away from me to "find himself" and "get his life together". He
is still very happy to spend occasional time together and clearly
loves me, and he is still considering that we may spend our lives
together, only he has been going through his dark night of the soul.
It has been a very good lesson to me that the ego will find pain and
suffering in any situation in which it imagines itself to be less than
in some way. I am seeing this as an opportunity to allow this feeling
of need and lack to rise up to consciousness and to transmute it in
some way. I know that in those moments when I am being my True Self,
I am not concerned with the outcome of this situation, but concerned
for the healing of us both, and the presence of Divine Love that exists.
I know I've talked to you about this situation in person, David, but a
couple of clear questions come to mind at this point. It has happened
quite often recently that I'll be feeling really loving and strong in
my sense of True Self when, suddenly, an intense wave of ego
affliction will flash through me, and I'll suddenly become upset that
this person is "leaving me hanging," or is "ignoring me," has not
answered my question in the most loving way, or some such detail.
Sometimes I have made a point to have a conversation with him about it
to express my pain, and sometimes I have steered myself away from the
projection to practice transmuting it within my own mind. Regardless,
it happens quite a lot, even though alternating with periods of peace.
Is it good for me to keep using my willpower to steer myself away
from sharing my hurt feelings? I think if I didn't steer myself away
at all I would end up with an outpour of relentless ego afflictions
directed towards him. Yet, there are times when I'm able to forgive
and release my feelings and times when I feel like I'm holding in
resentment, try as I might.
Also, there are times when I consider leaving the relationship because
there is no commitment involved at this particular point in time, and
his "crisis" and recent confusion have no clear end in sight. Also,
he has difficulty with learning responsibility and he has some
self-destructive tendencies, though it seems that it was the light of
our love that helped him bring this up to heal, and he has been clear
to me that he realizes that this is what he needs to heal now. I keep
coming back to the idea that, as long as there is an unfolding
happening, however slowly it seems, that this is an opportunity to
experience the miracle of real Love and to let it teach us what is the
purpose of our relationship because real Love is definitely there and
is being reflected back much of the time. I know that when I am truly
being connected to Self, I only want to love and support him through
his crisis, and I feel like I am free because I am not making demands
of him; unfortunately that feeling is less common than the pain of it
recently. Do you have any light to shed on this situation because it
is often painful, and I want my pain to help me bring my unconscious
to light and not just be an addiction that I need to let go of.
Sometimes I get confused between the two. Does this make sense? I
feel like my meditations and prayers and practicing correcting my
perception are all good, but sometimes I lose patience because I keep
feeling pain, and I feel like I'm spinning wheels. How do we know
when it's good to hang in there and when it's good to stop? I know
the pain will not just go away if I give up on myself now and stop
working towards ultimate forgiveness. I know that he and I have the
capacity for real Love as we have had long experiences of this and
still beautiful flashes of it now, but I sometimes wonder if it's my
attachment that's keeping me here instead of my desire for true
forgiveness and love. I think they are both true. :( :) :(
:) (that's me!)
Beloved One,
All healing relationships are a context for allowing unresolved guilt
to arise in awareness and be released. If the relationship seems to
unfold with permission to expose and release the pain being held, so
be it. If you are Guided to talk about these feelings with your
partner and at some point he feels unable to cope with them or
overwhelmed by them, this is the time to step back from him and not
'push' the relationship. There is never anything to force, and
patience is natural to those who trust. Help will always come in some
form, and these messages are one direct form that is ever available.
It is always important to be reminded that you are not limited in the
ways that the Holy Spirit can reach your awareness except by the
limits of belief that you impose.
I am always here for you Beloved. That is the Purpose for our joining
in holy relationship.
In Forever Love & Gratitude,
Dear David
I am in such despair these days. I want to experience that I am not
this body, but it seems impossible. I find myself suffering a lot
because of the lack of sex in my relationship. I am so stuck in my old
ideas about how my relationship should look like for me to be happy.
And I hate myself for making sex such big a deal, and I hate myself
for having sexual needs. I would really rather not have any needs at
all, because they only make me feel miserable. I sometimes feel really
angry at him. I feel like this poor little victim. And sometimes it
feels like I am a little child who wants things her way or nothing at
all. I have often had the thought that maybe he and I just shouldn't
be together when it is this big a deal for me, that we don't have sex.
But then I think: what is the point in separating? It is not like I
want to be with anybody else sexually and besides I really, really
love him. I just miss this one aspect in our relationship and I don't
know what to do about it I wish I could change my thoughts, but I
don't know how. And I wish I didn't have bodily needs. I actually feel
guilty for having these needs. I feel like there is something wrong
with me. Why can't I just be happy for sharing the love he and I have?
I feel like I am a horrible and guilty person. Judging him and making
him wrong when it gets too hard judging my self all the time.
Of course I use our past together as an idealization of how things
should be. Because I remember that we used to have a lot of sex when
we just met and I tell my self that I was a lot more happy back then.
How stupid is that? I make everything about sex! I think that if there
is no sex in a relationship it isn't a good relationship. Then the
relationship is bound to die and then what will become of little me
this little poor body that no one wants to have sex with! Stupid, stupid!
Maybe I want to have sex with him so bad, because it makes me
temporarily feel alright. It makes me feel like I am worth loving and
like I am innocent. Maybe I crave sex because I need it to prove to
myself that I am alright. And when I don't have it, I feel like there
is something wrong with me because I identify with the body.
How can I experience that I am NOT my body. I would give anything in
this illusory world to be set free of the body's chains. What do you
think I should do? I have considered trying to make him change, but I
know that is really not the solution. That would be like fixing the
effect instead of the cause, right? It is just so tempting because I
seem to think that it would take the pain away right now. And I need
it to go away quickly.
I don't want my happiness and self esteem to depend on anybody else
anymore. I am tired of thinking; "I am good enough if he wants to have
sex with me", and "I am good enough because he says he loves me" or "I
am lucky that he thinks I am pretty. Otherwise he probably didn't want
to be with me." And "Why doesn't he tell me I am pretty anymore?
Doesn't he love me?" It's just terrible being this fucked up! I hate
it SO much!
Thanks for reading this sweet David. I just needed to let it out. I'm
looking forward to read your response.
Beloved One,
Thankfully the Awakening mind is freeing itself from all needs based
in lack, for in Heaven there are no needs and no lacks. As we join in
prayer, the desire for open, free flowing, unrestricted communication
becomes activated - and this miraculous communication leads us further
inward. With regard to sex and distorted miracle impulses, Jesus says
the following:
"Sexual fantasies are distortions of perception by definition. They
are a means of making false associations, and obtaining pleasure from
them. Man can do this only because he IS creative. But although he can
perceive false associations, he can never make them real except to
himself. As was said before, man believes in what he creates. If he
creates a miracle, he will be equally strong in his belief in that.
The strength of his conviction will then sustain the belief of the
miracle receiver.
NO fantasies, sexual or otherwise, are true. Fantasies become totally
unnecessary as the Wholly satisfying nature of reality becomes
apparent. The sex impulse IS a miracle impulse when it is in proper
focus. One individual sees in another the right partner for
"procreating the stock" (Wolff was not too far off here), and also for
their joint establishment of a creative home. This does not involve
fantasy at all. If I am asked to participate in the decision, the
decision will be a Right one, too.
In a situation where you or another person, or both, experience
inappropriate sex impulses, KNOW FIRST that this is an expression of
fear. Your love toward each other is NOT perfect, and this is why the
fear arose. Turn immediately to me by denying the power of the fear,
and ask me to help you to replace it with love. This shifts the sexual
impulse immediately to the miracle-impulse, and places it at MY disposal.
Then acknowledge the true creative worth of both yourself AND the
other one. This places strength where it belongs." -Jesus
You are worthy of Divine Love, and the steps toward experiencing it
will be made apparent. The mind is very deep, and much darkness must
arise unprotected and willingly, that it may be released to the Holy
Spirit for healing. Our journey inward will seem unlike the pathways
of the world (the ego's desires for 'bigger, better, faster,
more...'), for peace of mind is our goal now. Success is inevitable,
for Eternal Peace is God's Will, and no one can fail who seeks to
reach the Truth. :)
Thank you for pouring out your heart and for your willingness to join
in healing. When healing is the context, the fear of losing a partner
seems to fade a bit, for the mind is willing to go through whatever it
seems to take to experience a true and lasting experience of Love.
The ones who I visit and who visit me, the ones who write and call
upon Love, these are all in a healing context and I appreciate your
willingness to open the communication fully and release all self
imposed limits.
I pray this message Helps in placing romantic relationships in a
healing context, for under the Holy Spirit's direction all
relationships are used as mirrors for healing. All glory to God!
In Peace & Joy,
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Recognizing Spirit
Recognizing Spirit by Lee Jampolsky, Ph.D.
Spiritually Based Communication
2) Who were your role models for communication while you were growing up (usually our parents)?
3) How much real training have you had in developing effective and compassionate communication where everybody involved wins?
4) How much more time do you put into things in your life that are less important to you than creating happiness and spiritual strength? . . ."
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Re: [Message from Messengers of Peace] Miracle witness from my friend Silva in Australia
the professor of psychology who oversaw the scribing of A Course in Miracles by his colleague Helen Schucman
It is an interesting account of a miracle.
Not a big one. A miracle, nonetheless.
I have placed the account at the beginning so you may find it easily, and not have to wade through the bullshit. CM
So, Bill Thetford in 1965 - right at the beginning of his meditations,
shortly after his "Better Way," speech, was "Prompted" to go to the
corner of a busy N.York street, and he would be provided with a taxi.
He did so -- and met with no success.
(I sympathize with this agnostic Professor of Psychology in his role of Head of a prestigious
Columbia University Dept. who must have been feeling ludicrous in this
YET! - driven by he knew not What, Standing there on that
corner, He closed his eyes and utters the startling sentence, "Thank
You Father. It is already done."
(This agnostic Prof of Psychology!!
The most rationalistic of ALL the possible disciplines) AND -- The
MIRACLE stands right in front of him when he opens his eyes - Not a
mere 'TAXI.' but a luxurious LIMO, and a driver calling thru his
wound-down window, "Can I be of assistance to you?"
(Or to that effect)
Bill stated in a much later interview, that THIS incident in his
beginning experience with ACIM, was a deeply motivating
factor in his continuation with typing Helen's shorthand notes and
encouraging her to continue although she too, at that early stage was
terrified she was losing her mind, with all the paranormal experiences
coming her way.
Let's take another non-existent leap in time to today with me, Silva.
On Sept 3rd a few weeks ago, I read again, this interview with Bill
Thetford in which he related his limo experience. -- I was in the
throes of a serious Sciatic episode, in which, after three or four
months of increasingly serious pain, I had surrendered, in that I no
longer sought release from the pain.
I accepted the principle - for the first time in 79 years (For I ceased demanding physical healing
which I had been chasing all my life at the instigation of my
Christian foster mother) the principle of total surrender in ACIM
Lesson 189 - "Come with totally empty hands unto your God."
Then, -- I read Bill's account - and when I read his, "Thank You
Father. It is already done," I shook with sobbing emotion, for I KNEW
that my chase was OVER. I mimic-ed Bill's Thank You Father. The Holy
Spirit had spoken to my heart and altho the serious pain was still
stabbing down my lumbar area to my toes - I knew an inner peace that I
had not known for months.
Exhausted, I slept for several hours for the first time in months
(Another first) and when I awoke, there was no sciatic pain.
Nor has there been any return in these last four weeks.
The experience has occasioned another quantum leap in my life's
Journey, in this Happy Dream of the Holy Spirit - and I wonder if it
is part of the final dream of the Resurrection (M28)
According to the Medical profession ( and thank God for them) I am entitled to free
treatment for 17 items on my catalogue of war wounds from the 39/45
war. I have had wonderful attention in these last 16 years of the
Howard led coalition.
But now, I am under no laws but God's -- (ACIM Lesson #76) I have already told of how the Repat Hospital
(Concord) in 1951 gave me 3-to-6 months to live at the outside, (after 5 weeks intensive care--).
So there is a precedent for #76, in my personal experience.
----- Original Message ----
From: David <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2007 4:38:17 PM
Subject: [Message from Messengers of Peace] Miracle witness from my friend Silva in Australia
Beloved One,
My friend Silva in Australia, who is 87 and practicing ACIM intensely,
just forwarded me this recent account from his life.
Enjoy the witness to healing.
Love & Blessings,
------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -
From ACIM -"Perfect perception, then, has many elements in common with
knowledge, making transfer to it possible. 2 Yet the last step must be
taken by God, because the last step in your redemption, which seems to
be in the future, was accomplished by God in your creation. 3 The
separation has not interrupted it. 4 Creation cannot be interrupted. 5
The separation is merely a faulty formulation of reality, with no
effect at all. 6 The miracle, without a function in Heaven, is needful
here. 7 Aspects of reality can still be seen, and they will replace
aspects of unreality. 8 Aspects of reality can be seen in everything
and everywhere. 9 Yet only God can gather them together, by crowning
them as one with the final gift of eternity. p258 T-13.VIII.4.
SO, Bill Thetford in 1965 - right at the beginning of his meditations,
shortly after his "Better Way," speech, was "Prompted" to go to the
corner of a busy N.York street, and he would be provided with a taxi.
He did so -- and met with no success. (I sympathise with this
agnostic Professor of Psychology in his role of Head of a prestigious
Columbia University Dept. who must have been feeling ludicrous in this
situation,) YET! - driven by he knew not What, Standing there on that
corner, He closed his eyes and utters the startling sentence, "Thank
You Father. It is already done." (This agnostic Prof of Psycho'y!!
The most rationalistic of ALL the possible disciplines) AND -- The
MIRACLE stands right in front of him when he opens his eyes - Not a
mere 'TAXI.' but a luxurious LIMMO, and a driver calling thru his
wounddown window, "Can I be of assistance to you?" (Or to that effect)
Bill stated in a much later interview, that THIS incident in his
beginning experience with ACIM, was a deeply motivating
factor in his continuation with typing Helen's shorthand notes and
encouraging her to continue altho she too, at that early stage was
terrified she was losing her mind, with all the paranormal experiences
coming her way.
Let's take another non-existent leap in time to today with me, Silva.
On Sept 3rd a few weeks ago, I read again, this interview with Bill
Thetford in which he related his limmo experience. -- I was in the
throes of a serious Sciatic episode, in which, after three or four
months of increasingly serious pain, I had surrendered, in that I no
longer sought release from the pain. I accepted the principle - for
the first time in 79 years (For I ceased demanding physical healing
which I had been chasing all my life at the instigation of my
Christian Fostermother) the principle of total surrender in ACIM
Lesson 189 - "Come with totally empty hands unto your God."
Then, -- I read Bill's account - and when I read his, "Thank You
Father. It is already done," I shook with sobbing emotion, for I KNEW
that my chase was OVER. I mimic-ed Bill's Thank You Father. The Holy
Spirit had spoken to my heart and altho the serious pain was still
stabbing down my lumbar area to my toes - I knew an inner peace that I
had not known for months. Exhausted, I slept for several hours for
the first time in months (Another first) and when I awoke, there was
no sciatic pain. Nor has there been any return in these last four weeks.
The experience has occasioned another quantum leap in my life's
Journey, in this Happy Dream of the Holy Spirit - and I wonder if it
is part of the final dream of the Resurrection (M28) According to the
Medical profession ( and thank God for them) I am entitled to free
treatment for 17 items on my catalogue of war wounds from the 39/45
war. I have had wonderful attention in these last 16 years of the
Howard led coalition. But now, I am under no laws but God's --
(ACIM Lesson #76) I have already told of how the Repat Hospital
(Concord) in 1951 gave me 3to6 months to live at the outside,(after 5
weeks intensive care--).
So there is a precedent for #76, in my personal experience.
Very simply, the resurrection is the overcoming or surmounting of
death. 2 It is a reawakening or a rebirth; a change of mind about the
meaning of the world. 3 It is the acceptance of the Holy Spirit's
interpretation of the world's purpose; the acceptance of the Atonement
for oneself. 4 It is the end of dreams of misery, and the glad
awareness of the Holy Spirit's final dream. 5 It is the recognition of
the gifts of God. 6 It is the dream in which the body functions
perfectly, having no function except communication. 7 It is the lesson
in which learning ends, for it is consummated and surpassed with this.
8 It is the invitation to God to take His final step. 9 It is the
relinquishment of all other purposes, all other interests, all other
wishes and all other concerns. 10 It is the single desire of the Son
for the Father.
M-28.2. The resurrection is the denial of death, being the assertion
of life. 2 Thus is all the thinking of the world reversed entirely. 3
Life is now recognized as salvation, and pain and misery of any kind
perceived as hell. 4 Love is no longer feared, but gladly welcomed. 5
Idols have disappeared, and the remembrance of God shines unimpeded
across the world. 6 Christ's face is seen in every living thing, and
nothing is held in darkness, apart from the light of forgiveness. 7
There is no sorrow still upon the earth. 8 The joy of Heaven has come
upon it.
M-28.3. Here the curriculum ends. 2 From here on, no directions are
needed. 3 Vision is wholly corrected and all mistakes undone. 4 Attack
is meaningless and peace has come. 5 The goal of the curriculum has
been achieved. 6 Thoughts turn to Heaven and away from hell. 7 All
longings are satisfied, for what remains unanswered or incomplete? 8
The last illusion spreads across the world, forgiving all things and
replacing all attack. 9 The whole reversal is accomplished. 10 Nothing
is left to contradict the Word of God. 11 There is no opposition to
the truth. 12 And now the truth can come at last. 13 How quickly will
it come as it is asked to enter and envelop such a world!
M-28.4. All living hearts are tranquil with a stir of deep
anticipation, for the time of everlasting things is now at hand. 2
There is no death. 3 The Son of God is free. 4 And in his freedom is
the end of fear. 5 No hidden places now remain on earth to shelter
sick illusions, dreams of fear and misperceptions of the universe. 6
All things are seen in light, and in the light their purpose is
transformed and understood. 7 And we, God's children, rise up from the
dust and look upon our perfect sinlessness. 8 The song of Heaven
sounds around the world, as it is lifted up and brought to truth.
M-28.5. Now there are no distinctions. 2 Differences have disappeared
and Love looks on Itself. 3 What further sight is needed? 4 What
remains that vision could accomplish? 5 We have seen the face of
Christ, His sinlessness, His Love behind all forms, beyond all
purposes. 6 Holy are we because His Holiness has set us free indeed! 7
And we accept His Holiness as ours; as it is. 8 As God created us so
will we be forever and forever, and we wish for nothing but His Will
to be our own. 9 Illusions of another will are lost, for unity of
purpose has been found.
M-28.6. These things await us all, but we are not prepared as yet to
welcome them with joy. 2 As long as any mind remains possessed of evil
dreams, the thought of hell is real. 3 God's teachers have the goal of
wakening the minds of those asleep, and seeing there the vision of
Christ's face to take the place of what they dream. 4 The thought of
murder is replaced with blessing. 5 Judgment is laid by, and given Him
Whose function judgment is. 6 And in His Final Judgment is restored
the truth about the holy Son of God. 7 He is redeemed, for he has
heard God's Word and understood its meaning.
(REPEAT: He is redeemed, for he has heard God's word and understood
it's meaning -- "The last step in your Redemption which seems to be
in the future, was accomplished by God in your creation." (T13:8,4
above) "Thank You Father. It is already done!" (Over riding principle)
"I am as God created me." #162 -- "These words are sacred.....
By them it, (The world) disappears, and all things seen within its
misty clouds and vapourous illusions vanish as these words are spoken.
For they come from God.......There is no dream these words will not
HIM AS HE GOES TOSLEEP. his dreams are happy and his rest secure; his
safety certain and his body is healed. ("HIS BODY HEALED," (These
words are sacred because they come from God.)
"Thank You Father. It is already done."
"Let me today, My Father, take the role You offer me in Your request
that I accept Atonement for myself. For thus does what is thereby
reconciled in me, become as surely reconciled to You." (ACIM Lesson #318)
"This IS A Course In Miracles. Take notes."
To Repeat: From M28;- "The Resurrection is:......... ......... .......
"The acceptance of the Atonement for oneself. It is the end of misery,
and the glad awareness of the Holy spirit's final dream. It is the
recognition of the gifts of God. It is the dream in which the body
functions perfectly, having no function except communication. " (The
body functions perfectly.)
"Thank You Father. It is already done."
8 He is free because he let God's Voice proclaim the truth. 9 And all
he sought before to crucify are resurrected with him, by his side, as
he prepares with them to meet his God.
M-29.1. This manual is not intended to answer all questions that both
teacher and pupil may raise. 2 In fact, it covers only a few of the
more obvious ones, in terms of a brief summary of some of the major
concepts in the text and workbook. 3 It is not a substitute for
either, but merely a supplement. 4 While it is called a manual for
teachers, it must be remembered that only time divides teacher and
pupil, so that the difference is temporary by definition. 5 In some
cases, it may be helpful for the pupil to read the manual first. 6
Others might do better to begin with the workbook. 7 Still others may
need to start at the more abstract level of the text.
M-29.2. Which is for which? 2 Who would profit more from prayers
alone? 3 Who needs but a smile, being as yet unready for more? 4 No
one should attempt to answer these questions alone. 5 Surely no
teacher of God has come this far without realizing that. 6 The
curriculum is highly individualized, and all aspects are under the
Holy Spirit's particular care and guidance. 7 Ask and He will answer.
8 The responsibility is His, and He alone is fit to assume it. 9 To do
so is His function. 10 To refer the questions to Him is yours. 11
Would you want to be responsible for decisions about which you
understand so little? 12 Be glad you have a Teacher Who cannot make a
mistake. 13 His answers are always right. 14 Would you say that of yours?
M-29.3. There is another advantage,–and a very important one,–in
referring decisions to the Holy Spirit with increasing frequency. 2
Perhaps you have not thought of this aspect, but its centrality is
obvious. 3 To follow the Holy Spirit's guidance is to let yourself be
absolved of guilt. 4 It is the essence of the Atonement. 5 It is the
core of the curriculum. 6 The imagined usurping of functions not your
own is the basis of fear. 7 The whole world you see reflects the
illusion that you have done so, making fear inevitable. 8 To return
the function to the One to Whom it belongs is thus the escape from
fear. 9 And it is this that lets the memory of love return to you. 10
Do not, then, think that following the Holy Spirit's guidance is
necessary merely because of your own inadequacies. 11 It is the way
out of hell for you.
M-29.4. Here again is the paradox often referred to in the course. 2
To say, "Of myself I can do nothing" is to gain all power. 3 And yet
it is but a seeming paradox. 4 As God created you, you <have> all
power. 5 The image you made of yourself has none. 6 The Holy Spirit
knows the truth about you. 7 The image you made does not. 8 Yet,
despite its obvious and complete ignorance, this image assumes it
knows all things because you have given that belief to it. 9 Such is
your teaching, and the teaching of the world that was made to uphold
it. 10 But the Teacher Who knows the truth has not forgotten it. 11
His decisions bring benefit to all, being wholly devoid of attack. 12
And therefore incapable of arousing guilt.
M-29.5. Who assumes a power that he does not possess is deceiving
himself. 2 Yet to accept the power given him by God is but to
acknowledge his Creator and accept His gifts. 3 And His gifts have no
limit. 4 To ask the Holy Spirit to decide for you is simply to accept
your true inheritance. 5 Does this mean that you cannot say anything
without consulting Him? 6 No, indeed! 7 That would hardly be
practical, and it is the practical with which this course is most
concerned. 8 If you have made it a habit to ask for help when and
where you can, you can be confident that wisdom will be given you when
you need it. 9 Prepare for this each morning, remember God when you
can throughout the day, ask the Holy Spirit's help when it is feasible
to do so, and thank Him for His guidance at night. 10 And your
confidence will be well founded indeed.
M-29.6. Never forget that the Holy Spirit does not depend on your
words. 2 He understands the requests of your heart, and answers them.
3 Does this mean that, while attack remains attractive to you, He will
respond with evil? 4 Hardly! 5 For God has given Him the power to
translate your prayers of the heart into His language. 6 He
understands that an attack is a call for help. 7 And He responds with
help accordingly. 8 God would be cruel if He let your words replace
His Own. 9 A loving father does not let his child harm himself, or
choose his own destruction. 10 He may ask for injury, but his father
will protect him still. 11 And how much more than this does your
Father love His Son?
M-29.7. Remember you are His completion and His Love. 2 Remember your
weakness is His strength. 3 But do not read this hastily or wrongly. 4
If His strength is in you, what you perceive as your weakness is but
illusion. 5 And He has given you the means to prove it so. 6 Ask all
things of His Teacher, and all things are given you. 7 Not in the
future but immediately; now. 8 God does not wait, for waiting implies
time and He is timeless. 9 Forget your foolish images, your sense of
frailty and your fear of harm, your dreams of danger and selected
"wrongs." 10 God knows but His Son, and as he was created so he is. 11
In confidence I place you in His Hands, and I give thanks for you that
this is so.
M-29.8. And now in all your doings be you blessed.
2 God turns to you for help to save the world.
3 Teacher of God, His thanks He offers you,
And all the world stands silent in the grace
You bring from Him. 4 You are the Son He loves,
And it is given you to be the means
Through which His Voice is heard around the world,
To close all things of time; to end the sight
Of all things visible; and to undo
All things that change. 5 Through you is ushered in
A world unseen, unheard, yet truly there.
6 Holy are you, and in your light the world
Reflects your holiness, for you are not
Alone and friendless. 7 I give thanks for you,
And join your efforts on behalf of God,
Knowing they are on my behalf as well,
And for all those who walk to God with me.
Hello to all, This is me, Silva in my human form. When I was but a
boy, I was given:
AND SHOW HIM MY SALVATION.". ......... ......... .(PSALM 91)
At just on 87 years of age, miraculously sustained for these last 56
years in spite of a terminal prognosis, here is another account of the
Merciful, Divine Intervention in a human's life with Its Healing
consequences. Of course, there are many gaps in the story, but there
are none in the Presence of God.
Thank You father. It is already done.
Luvyas...... ......... ......... ......... ......... .Silva.
...and click on the Messages section on the left hand column.
Also, there is a "Search Archive" Button near the bottom of this web site to search the messages by topic or keyword(s).God Bless You Holy One!
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Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Liberty vs. Security: False Dichotomy!
nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye
not much better than they? (Matt. 6: 24-26)
Jesus turns our attention away from man-made government and affirms
that God is our safety net.
provider of security.
Read the monthly Miracles article from the Holy Instant Christian Church:
http://acimmessages.blogspot. com/
God Bless!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
More From David Hoffmeister: The Simplicity of Being Present
Beloved One,
Today I am Guided to write some words about the simplicity of the Present Moment and the ego's vain attempts to obscure the plain and simple Truth. When the mind is drawn to thoughts about the past and future it is literally blank and sound asleep. As these thoughts are not keep hidden and freely given over to the Spirit, they disappear from awareness, opening the mind to the Present. Darkness, unprotected and undefended, must give way to Light. Yet nothing can be kept hidden from awareness in the mind for the Light to shine unencumbered. Without being exposed, the ego will seem to rule one's state of mind.
In A Course In Miracles Jesus says:
"You have been told to bring the darkness to the light, and guilt to holiness. And you have also been told that error must be corrected at its source. Therefore, it is the tiny part of yourself, the little thought that seems split off and separate, the Holy Spirit needs. The rest is fully in God's keeping, and needs no guide. Yet this wild and delusional thought needs help because, in its delusions, it thinks it is the Son of God, whole and omnipotent, sole ruler of the kingdom it set apart to tyrannize by madness into obedience and slavery. This is the little part you think you stole from Heaven. Give it back to Heaven. Heaven has not lost it, but <you> have lost sight of Heaven. Let the Holy Spirit remove it from the withered kingdom in which you set it off, surrounded by darkness, guarded by attack and reinforced by hate. Within its barricades is still a tiny segment of the Son of God, complete and holy, serene and unaware of what you think surrounds it." (T-18.IX.1)
Protect an attack thought and it seems real and justified. Expose it to the Spirit and it dissolves instantly. The reason forgiveness seems to take so long in time is that the difference between what is the same and what is different is still obscured. No attack thought has a foundation or a real cause, so judgment of the effects of the world has no meaning in Reality. Yet to a sleeping mind that believes in real effects and specifics, the Spirit offers another Way of looking at the world. This Perspective is the Answer to every seeming specific problem that arises in awareness.
Jesus also says: "You have been told to ask the Holy Spirit for the answer to any specific problem, and that you will receive a specific answer if such is your need. You have also been told that there is only one problem and one answer. In prayer this is not contradictory. There are decisions to make here, and they must be made whether they be illusions or not. You cannot be asked to accept answers which are beyond the level of need that you can recognize. (SOP-1.I-2)
Guidance must come from the Spirit and reach the mind when and where the mind believes it is. Most of the Guidance the mind receives from the Spirit is specific, since the sleeping mind believes in specifics and could not understand an abstract Answer. So this means it is extremely important to follow the intuitive steps which are Given for Awakening. All the steps aim at the washing away of the addiction to specifics and linear believing and thinking and perceiving. When eventually distractions disappear, the Truth is beheld and accepted exactly As Is, and this is the simplicity of Being Present. Now is a moment in which one receives and gives perfect communication with the entire universe, and nothing is kept hidden or seperate or apart. A Course In Miracles is a tool for experiencing this moment.
Jesus says this about A Course In Miracles: "The reason this course is simple is that truth is simple. Complexity is of the ego, and is nothing more than the ego's attempt to obscure the obvious. You could live forever in the holy instant, beginning now and reaching to eternity, but for a very simple reason. Do not obscure the simplicity of this reason, for if you do, it will be only because you prefer not to recognize it and not to let it go. The simple reason, simply stated, is this: The holy instant is a time in which you receive and give perfect communication. This means, however, that it is a time in which your mind is open, both to receive and give. It is the recognition that all minds are in communication. It therefore seeks to change nothing, but merely to accept everything." (T-15.IV.6)
Is there any way that could be simpler and more direct than complete acceptance Now. How simple is the obvious. Jesus continues:
"Being so simple and direct, this course has nothing in it that is not consistent. The seeming inconsistencies, or parts you find more difficult than others, are merely indications of areas where means and end are still discrepant. And this produces great discomfort. This need not be. This course requires almost nothing of you. It is impossible to imagine one that asks so little, or could offer more." (T-20.VII.I)
"Think not that happiness is ever found by following a road away from it. This makes no sense, and cannot be the way. To you who seem to find this course to be too difficult to learn, let me repeat that to achieve a goal you must proceed in its direction, not away from it. And every road that leads the other way will not advance the purpose to be found. If this be difficult to understand, then is this course impossible to learn. But only then. For otherwise, it is a simple teaching in the obvious. (T-31.IV.7)
A Course In Miracles points to a living experience, not another set of self-concepts. Christ asks for trust in the Inner Guidance so that all self-concepts and specific images can be laid aside forever. What you seem to do comes from what you seem to think, and what you seem to think comes from what you seem to believe. So you must learn to systematically, with the Spirit's Help, question EVERYTHING that you seem to believe. The miracle offers a replacement to false identity dependency. When the mind clings roles and concepts and rituals it remains defensive and fearful, even if it is unaware of the depth of the fear that lies beneath. Yet the unconscious guilt and fear and hatred must come to the surface before they can be released forever.
It is an art to let the Spirit use the symbols of the world without identifying with them. One seems to write a book and yet cannot identify with the image of being an author. One seems to speak and yet cannot identify with the image of speaker. One seems to teach and yet cannot identify with the image of teacher. One seems to 'have' a child and yet cannot identify with the image of parent. There is no 'doer' in Being Present. The ego made the 'doer' so it could project the ontological guilt stemming from the belief in separation onto the bodies and images of the cosmos. Yet Divine Presence is without guilt and projection. Presence simply extends Love. Presence is universal and impersonal, Being Pure Love.
If you feel an emotion that doesn't feel simple, be humble and willing to let go of the self-concepts and images of complexity. Who is this 'doer'? All stress and anxiety and fear and guilt and anger come from identifying with the 'doer.' When I say let the ego be undone, I am refering to the identification with the 'doer.' In unified perception (forgiveness) there is no 'doer.'
There is tranquil Stillness in the Present. There are no controversies or distractions or dramas or self-concepts right Now. The concept of a 'doer' but seemed to thrive in the concept of a story. The story was fictitious because it was linear. The story was based in time, and depended upon it. Yet time is simultaneous, not linear. Rejoice and be glad! Remember this one insight and you will never thirst again for another story. :)
In Love & Gratitude,
David Hoffmeister Ph:513-898-1364 Mobile:717-629- 0950
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