Sunday, December 17, 2006
It's A Miracle Video
Saturday, December 16, 2006
A Glimpse of Grace
We are happy to announce that a compilation of Davids Early Writings is available upon request in the form of a delightful booklet of approx 60 pages, published by the Foundation for the Awakening Mind.
This taste of David's deeply insightful Early Writings is a gift from Grace. It is filled with Divine Inspiration, all sharing the same consistent message; Release the illusion of separation for Only the Love of God is Real.
A Glimpse of Grace
By David Hoffmeister
A gem from the booklet: "I offer my Love and Thoughts for this moment. Sometimes the form may seem to utilize print, and other times the form may seem to involve a Voice or a flow of images. It is all telepathic, for All is Thought... All is Mind. The Answer always reaches mind in a way that it can grasp or learn from. I am the goal the world is searching for. The Thought behind the forms is all that really matters. The form matters not. Joyful is the experience that Love is Content and not form of any kind."
To request a booklet please email requests@awakening- or telephone the Peace House 513-898-1364(suggested donation / love offering is $10 plus $2 postage in U.S $5 overseas)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
from Brian
"To plan ahead is good advice in your world, where you should and must control and direct where you have accepted responsibility. But the UNIVERSAL PLAN is in more appropriate hands. You will know all you need to know. Make no attempts to plan ahead in this respect." (ACIM: Introduction to Miracles ... unedited version)
A Course in Miracles, given to us by Jesus' holy spirit which is everywhere present, repeatedly states that all problems anyone perceives are really only one problem with one solution, and the only question is are we ready for the solution?
"You made the problem which God has answered. Ask yourselves, therefore, but one simple question; "Do I want the problem or do I want the answer?" Decide for the answer, and you will have it, for you will see it as it is, and it is yours already." (ACIM: Chap. 11, The Problem and the Answer)
But then deciding for the answer ... really, really, REALLY deciding for the answer ... is the same as praying for it, isn't it? And to pray for the answer is to pray for salvation, final once and for all time salvation from pain, fear, guilt, and death. Which means to pray for the savior to be born.
Christians (as well as adherents of other religions) may argue: "But the savior has already been born." And of course you can agree. The instant God gave the answer, the savior was born. But have you experienced the savior's birth in your own consciousness, in your awareness, in feelings powerfully felt deep inside yourself and extending out to the far reaches of the universe?
Because Christmas is about you, isn't it? It's about your salvation. It's about Christ being born again in you, wouldn't you say?
So the prayer for Christmas turns out to be your prayer for the one and only experience you have ever really wanted, your prayer for the one and only bridge to heaven. If put into words, it might be something like this:
I want the experience of...
Christ being born...
this moment...
and this here and now...
and this holy instant...
this blessed Christmas presence!"
Lesson 340
Be glad today! Be glad! There is no room for anything but joy and thanks today Our Father has redeemed His Son this day. Not one of us but will be saved today. Not one who will remain in fear, and none the Father will not gather to Himself, awake in Heaven in the Heart of Love.
My Blog List
What Ego's Absence Reveals6 days ago
Plans6 years ago
Double Triptych18 years ago