Sunday, December 17, 2006
It's A Miracle Video
Saturday, December 16, 2006
A Glimpse of Grace
We are happy to announce that a compilation of Davids Early Writings is available upon request in the form of a delightful booklet of approx 60 pages, published by the Foundation for the Awakening Mind.
This taste of David's deeply insightful Early Writings is a gift from Grace. It is filled with Divine Inspiration, all sharing the same consistent message; Release the illusion of separation for Only the Love of God is Real.
A Glimpse of Grace
By David Hoffmeister
A gem from the booklet: "I offer my Love and Thoughts for this moment. Sometimes the form may seem to utilize print, and other times the form may seem to involve a Voice or a flow of images. It is all telepathic, for All is Thought... All is Mind. The Answer always reaches mind in a way that it can grasp or learn from. I am the goal the world is searching for. The Thought behind the forms is all that really matters. The form matters not. Joyful is the experience that Love is Content and not form of any kind."
To request a booklet please email requests@awakening- or telephone the Peace House 513-898-1364(suggested donation / love offering is $10 plus $2 postage in U.S $5 overseas)
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
from Brian
"To plan ahead is good advice in your world, where you should and must control and direct where you have accepted responsibility. But the UNIVERSAL PLAN is in more appropriate hands. You will know all you need to know. Make no attempts to plan ahead in this respect." (ACIM: Introduction to Miracles ... unedited version)
A Course in Miracles, given to us by Jesus' holy spirit which is everywhere present, repeatedly states that all problems anyone perceives are really only one problem with one solution, and the only question is are we ready for the solution?
"You made the problem which God has answered. Ask yourselves, therefore, but one simple question; "Do I want the problem or do I want the answer?" Decide for the answer, and you will have it, for you will see it as it is, and it is yours already." (ACIM: Chap. 11, The Problem and the Answer)
But then deciding for the answer ... really, really, REALLY deciding for the answer ... is the same as praying for it, isn't it? And to pray for the answer is to pray for salvation, final once and for all time salvation from pain, fear, guilt, and death. Which means to pray for the savior to be born.
Christians (as well as adherents of other religions) may argue: "But the savior has already been born." And of course you can agree. The instant God gave the answer, the savior was born. But have you experienced the savior's birth in your own consciousness, in your awareness, in feelings powerfully felt deep inside yourself and extending out to the far reaches of the universe?
Because Christmas is about you, isn't it? It's about your salvation. It's about Christ being born again in you, wouldn't you say?
So the prayer for Christmas turns out to be your prayer for the one and only experience you have ever really wanted, your prayer for the one and only bridge to heaven. If put into words, it might be something like this:
I want the experience of...
Christ being born...
this moment...
and this here and now...
and this holy instant...
this blessed Christmas presence!"
Lesson 340
Be glad today! Be glad! There is no room for anything but joy and thanks today Our Father has redeemed His Son this day. Not one of us but will be saved today. Not one who will remain in fear, and none the Father will not gather to Himself, awake in Heaven in the Heart of Love.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
A Course in Miracles Passage
Here is the answer to every problem
that will confront you, today and tomorrow
and throughout time.
In this world, you believe
you are sustained by everything but God.
Your faith is placed in the most trivial and insane symbols;
pills, money, "protective" clothing, influence, prestige,
being liked, knowing the "right" people, and an endless
list of forms of nothingness that you endow with
magical powers.
All these things are your replacements for the Love of God.
All these things are cherished to ensure a body identification.
They are songs of praise to the ego.
Do not put your faith in the worthless.
It will not sustain you.
Only the Love of God will protect you in all circumstances.
It will lift you out of every trial, and raise you high above
all the perceived dangers of this world into a climate of perfect peace
and safety.
It will transport you into a state of mind that nothing can threaten,
nothing can disturb, and where nothing can intrude upon
the eternal calm of the Son of God.
Put not your faith in illusions. They will fail you.
Put all your faith in the Love of God within you;
eternal, changeless and forever unfailing.
This is the answer to whatever confronts you today.
Through the Love of God within you, you can resolve
all seeming difficulties without effort and in sure confidence.
Tell yourself this often today.
It is a declaration of release from the belief in idols.
It is your acknowledgment of the truth about yourself.
--A Course in Miracles
Thanks to the Holy One
Thanks to You Holy One
to all those who have Answered
God's Call to be messengers of peace
through their peaceful Presence.
All glory to God!
Truly peace of mind is experienced
through the willingness to hold no idols
before the Lord, and thus release all self-concepts
that would block the Light from awareness.
To the thought that calls itself
'author' I say:
God is the Author
To the thought that calls itself
creative in form and boasts of its manifestations
I say
God & Christ create in Spirit
To the thought that is proud of its activities and doings and achievenments
I say,
Not one thought the world believes is true.
To the thought that claims itself
to be a role such as father, mother, sister, brother, etc. I say,
Know Thy Self as the Living Christ.
To the thought that is content to speak or write about theology as
if it knows something I say,
Lay down such foolishness and experience
the Present Moment and all Its Glory.
To the thought that believes there is such a thing as 'intellectual understanding'
I say,
Peace and understanding go together and cannot be found apart.
Joined in Purpose Beloved One, Perfection is all there is to behold.
Thanks be to God for the Purpose in which the world is forgiven and
the Light is for Giving!
Glory Is the Divine Silence that is far beyond the words and the actions
and the shadows of error.
Thanks and Joy to the One Who Inspires and rejoices in the Lord of Life.
The Joy of God is not popular in this world, for the world was made
as a defense against the Truth.
The experience is freely Offered and freely Given.
Though all are Called, few seem to Answer.
Yet is the Ending certain,
for accepting complete forgiveness (Atonement)
is inevitable and Love simply Is.
How happy is the One that realizes:
I am as God created Me!
Such is the Word of God.
Thanks for Answering God, the Holy Spirit, and Christ by
Demonstrating our Divine Love!
In Overflowing Love,
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Machen (ProBrilliance) Replys
We've all heard how important FOCUS is to our Success and Happiness. Remember...what ever we focus on expands. Make it up! Make it fun! Make it happen!
See Below
"I never did a day's work in my life. It was all fun."
-Thomas Edison
Q: What are the areas of your career and life that bring you the most joy? Love working with color and sound, and the unseen and unheard. Healing. Undoing. Doing through spirit.
Q: How can you inspire others to live their dream as well? teaching and thinking as a master of truth.
Truth masters us with love.
Q: When will you start removing the tolerations and move towards what you really want? When I accept the reality of who I am
Q: Who will you become as you seek to discover more fun in your life and career? Who am I am: a star in a constellation of them
Q: Where will this new focus improve your life? all aspects wealth, family, love, unity, self, and more
Q: Why? God is
Each week or so, I'll share with you a focusing statement with a brief 6 step exercise that will help you stay focused on what you want for yourself.
Make it up! Make it fun! Make it happen! TM
ProBrilliance! Leadership Institute
12114 Polaris Drive
Grass Valley, CA 95949
Thursday, November 02, 2006
from Pro Brilliance
Dear Carl,
I just wanted to tell you about an upcoming episode of Larry King Live
that I really think you will enjoy--TONIGHT, November 2, at 6:00 p.m. (PST).
(Check times in your area- especially overseas friends and family)
And...let others know about it, too, please.
On the show, Larry will be discussing how thinking positive thoughts and
changing your frame of reference can transform your life and business.
Several of my good friends are also going to be featured. Here is the line up for
the two shows:
John Assaraf
Bob Proctor
JZ Knight
Rev Michael Beckwith
Dr. John DeMartini
Guests on Part 2 (Nov. 16) are:
James Ray
Jack Canfield
Dr. Joe Vitale
George Pratt
Jayne Payne
Here's where we need your help...Share this news with everyone you know who
needs to hear it!
And, if you like what you saw, then we encourage you to send a message to the
producers of Larry King Live (
to tell them you'd like to see more shows like this.
So get out your calendar and mark this down so you don't forget!
Part 1 to air November 2, at 6:00 p.m. (PST) Part 2 to air November 16, at 6:00 p.m. (PST)
Larry King Live airs on CNN at 6:00 p.m. (PST) and re-airs at 9:00 p.m. (PST) and 12 Midnight (PST).
The show airs overseas on CNN International, as well. See for more
information, or check your local CNN listings.
Thank you for your support, and I hope you enjoy the show!
All the best,
Make it up--> make it fun --> make it happen
12114 Polaris Drive
Grass Valley, CA
Thursday, October 26, 2006
From David
Wed, 25 Oct 2006 Message from Messengers of Peace Expressing Love In Everyday Details |
Here are the metaphysics
I have shared for the last 15 years and a recent series of holy
encounters that I enjoyed over the past week that symbolize the
forgiven world or the happy dream.
This world is an illusion
There is no world
There are no bodies
God did not make this world
God does not know about this world
(Love, Truth, Reality) is of God, and this is why the above is so.
The only Purpose for the illusion is to forgive it.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Danish Ahmed:Message about "Conversations with God"
While I was watching the movie I was overwhelmed with emotion and was crying tears of gratitude for this amazing life I have created. I looked at my life and felt proud but then I started to feel sorrow for something that I felt was missing. I wanted a spiritual experience with a woman that I was crazy about, who connected with me on every level, and who wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with her.
My intention is to be in a committed monogamous relationship, which would encompass the chemistry I mentioned; and I felt I would be in this type of relationship soon. While watching the movie, I was in a conversation with God myself. Towards the end of the movie, I requested "Please, just give me a sign, a taste, a knowing that I will be in this beautiful sacred connection."
The movie finished and I fell asleep.
The next day, I got a mysterious call. "Hi. This is Christina."
"Christina who?" I asked. (I know many Christina's.) She excitedly said her last name, which I didn't catch. After about a minute, I finally said, "I still don't know who you are." She triggered my memory by recounting the fun way in which we first met and I was thrilled to talk to an amazing friend I hadn't heard from in three years.
Christina and I had met about five years ago. I had a crush on her, though I knew she was unavailable. We connected on so many levels, had amazing conversations about everything, and really understood each other. She would come over to my house and read "Conversations with God" to me. The book had a huge impact on her life, and on my life, and this created yet another bond we shared. All kinds of events occurred to enable us to be spontaneous -- both our agendas for that evening were cancelled. Of course we agreed to get together and watch the movie.
After the movie we went out for dinner. Then she dropped an interesting question: "Would you be interested in going up to my cottage?" I accepted the invitation.
Christina knew that this would be such a special experience for me. And since I like sharing my special life experiences, Christina suggested that I write about all of this in an upcoming newsletter. (So I do have her permission, and it has been edited by her.)
As we continued the two-and-a-half hour drive, Christina would be conscious of pointing-out visual things in nature for my benefit. I mentioned how I cannot see details in nature, and it is strange how most people can sit in nature for hours on end and be totally mesmerized by it, appreciating the beauty of life. I just get bored after ten minutes and want to do something else. I couldn't understand how people could be mesmerized by nature for such a long period of time. It was another fascinating onversation.
Christina knows that I can only see things very close, so when we got to the cottage, she gave me permission to look at her closely. I looked into her eyes, touched her face, and just sat there in the space of love with her for about ten minutes. After fifteen minutes, I started noticing very small details on her face that I hadn't noticed before. I asked her questions about the curves and wrinkles on her face, and complimented her on her beauty.
After twenty minutes, I started crying. I started to become present to how people could sit in nature for hours on end and be totally mesmerized, how they could notice all sorts of details that they couldn't notice before, how they could start seeing all the small intricacies of nature and start becoming present to source energy. I've had the experience of euphoria before, though usually through meditation. For the first time in my life, I started to have this experience of bliss become present simply through physical beauty.
I was really nervous. I've been with women before, but somehow this was totally different. I've been nervous before, but usually that goes away relatively quickly. I shared this with Christina as we cuddled and held each other. I explained that I was nervous more than at other times because of how deeply I felt the connection between us on so many levels. I said, "I love you. I love you because intellectually you challenge me. I love you because emotionally you connect with me. I love you because spiritually you already know me better than I know myself. I love you because sexually you are so sensual, soulful, and beautiful!"
Christina explained that this night was a fantasy she had since we had first met five years ago. I felt like I was continuing a conversation with God. Everything about the evening was so serendipitous and cosmic. Everything was just falling perfectly into place like a fairytale.
She invited me to join her in the shower or wait for her in bed. I gathered my thoughts and cleaned up the area as Christina went to shower. I didn't know whether I should join her or not. Several moments passed as I continued to consider what I should do. Since she still wasn't finished, I thought this was a sign from the universe that I should go in.
As I walked into the shower, I saw Christina's full naked body for the first time. Her wet hair was long and flowing down her back and she looked like a Goddess. The inviting smile she gave me as she looked my way had my heart just melt. Christina and I continued to have three hours of profound intimacy that neither of us had yet experienced. I was truly living the night of my dreams...
Christina lives in another country and is not able to be in a committed relationship right now because she is totally free and committed to herself. While that may seem strange to some, I choose to see it as a sign I asked God for, and therefore my own creation.
My conversation with God hasn't ended. I'm having a Conversation with God all the time. My thoughts are manifesting into my reality, and my reality is therefore a communication back from God to me.
My thoughts are what I say to God.
My reality is what God says to me.
As Neale Donald Walsch says, "We are all having a Conversation with God."
And to God (and to Christina) I say, "Thank you for the night of my life. Thank you for the life of my dreams."
"Conversations with God" is a monumental movie, setting the standard for inspirational entertainment. I've seen the movie three times already, and each time it has a deeper impact on me. I encourage you to go and watch the movie, and discover Your Conversation with God.
"On October 22, Conversations with God is going to open in theatres everywhere across the
-- Steven Simon, Producer & Director of "Conversations with God"
Danish Ahmed
Monday, October 16, 2006
Working With Spirit
Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7PM How does one stay in touch with one's spirituality while engaged in day-to-day work activities? Every working day presents challenges to our composure, ethics and compassion. What practices, methods or insights help keep us grounded in our higher selves, oriented to our center, and bringing forth expressions of the divine in all our dealings?
Saybrook Graduate School, San Francisco
Working With Spirit co-sponsored with Social Venture Network.
Some Questions We'll Consider...
We invite you to sit in the circle bringing your curiosity to honestly inquire, your courage to be open to new ideas and your passion to engage this inquiry with "humble chutzpah". Whether you speak, or remain silent, this dialogue promises something for everyone who works in the world and wishes to grow spiritually.
Conversation Starters
Chip Conley, founder, Joie de Vivre Hospitality,largest boutique hotel operator in California, includes 28 hotels, 8 restaurants and bars, and 3 day spas; author, Marketing That Matters (forthcoming)
Margot Fraser, founder and former owner of Birkenstock Footprint Sandals, Inc., the original importer of Birkenstock footwear in the United States
Yosi Amram, founder and CEO of two companies, now an executive coach, currently working on his PhD in clinical psychology focusing on spiritual intelligence
Schedule | Registration 7:00 PM; Meeting Begins 7:15-9:30 PM |
Location | Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center 747 Front St. (@ Broadway) 3rd Floor, San Francisco (see map) |
Admission | $20 in advance by registering online; $25 in advance (by email, phone or check); $30 at the door. To register online, go to Registration. |
Check our website at for more information, directions and to pre-register online for only $20.
And feel free to forward this invitation to anyone you know who may be interested.
The Presidio Dialogues, Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center
747 Front Street, Third Floor, San Francisco, CA 94111-1920
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
World Wellness Weekend -- November 3-5
World Wellness Weekend � San Jose, California
For more information: |
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
The Dream of Separation
All there is is No-thing Being Everything and what appears as part
of that everything is the belief and experience of being a separate
self — an apparent individual with its own free will, choice and
ability to act. This happening is uniquely human and is called self-
consciousness. To most people it is the reality.
That apparent feeling of being separate is at the root of the
suffering, inadequacy and sense of loss that drives people to search
for escape or resolution. It is Being dreaming that it is apart from
itself, looking all over the place for that which is already
Everything. It is the hypnotic dream of separation which, for the
dreamer, is very real.
The dilemma for the dream seeker is that the feeling of separation
drives the seeking for resolution, which further fuels the sense of
The development of an intelligent understanding 'mind' apparently
brings with it the ability to make choices and take actions in an
attempt to negotiate with 'the world' lived in. These negotiations
are not always successful and the individual seems to experience its
own pain and pleasure. It also develops a great respect for the
guidance and control apparently emanating from the
understanding 'mind'. However, as long as there is a sense of
separation, there is a sense of disquiet or loss and there is a
seeking to dispel that sense. It seems logical that the much
respected understanding 'mind' must be capable of investigating the
cause of this disquiet and discovering ways of dispelling it.
The separate entity can only try to imagine or project an idea of
what it must be like not to be separate. What is sought is the
possibility of a future goal or state that can be realised and
therefore, logically, must be approachable. Consequently, the
function of seeking and the teaching of becoming locks the seeker
into a state of continuously approaching something that it cannot
comprehend. All of this is the _expression of Being, arising as the
good, old, dependable and reliable understanding `mind' functioning
as it can only function . . . in continual movement and
anticipation. It is this activity of becoming which very effectively
keeps the seeker in the hypnotic dream of reaching out for something
it cannot grasp. Of course, Liberation can apparently happen despite
all of this effort.
The only other hope for the dream seeker is to believe that another
benevolent energy (say God, Consciousness or a so-called enlightened
teacher) would be motivated to guide and influence the seeker along
a path which would eventually lead them to fulfilment. All of these
ideas of becoming, purpose and destiny arise in the dream.
But the paradox is that although Being appears as the dream seeker,
Being is not a state that can be imagined, conceived of, attained or
even realised by the seeking of it. Being requires absolutely
nothing … it is the Nothing and Everything that is already
immaculate fulfilment and wholeness. Nothing needs to be changed or
attained, lost or found, for Being to simply Be. The appearance of
separation is simply the _expression of Being. The very idea of
something needing to approach that which it already is, is
wonderfully futile. Being is a comedian with an audience which never
The dream seeker feels a sense of loss and unworthiness, and so is
very attracted to dream teachings which involve purification, hard
committed effort, surrender, devotion and the development of
renunciation and detachment. There is a kind of logical
inevitability and worthiness about these ideas which resonates with
the sense of lack. The almost endless path of striving happily
ensures the continuation of the individual experience. These ideas
seem to arise out of a very substantial and reliable history of
traditional wisdom which surely must be respected, even though it is
only available as words on bits of paper.
Two traditional ways which seek resolution, or escape, from the
sense of separation are meditation and self-enquiry.
In meditation it seems possible, through apparent choice and
guidance, to reach certain states of stillness or bliss which seem
better than feeling separate. The belief is that continuous effort
with meditation will solidify the state and eventually make it
permanent. But these states are only refined personal experiences
happening within the dream-story. So like all other time-based
activities they come and go away.
Self-enquiry is a similar process in that the goal is for the
individual to choose to take action or make the effort to reach a
place called awareness which, its teachers promise, will bring
personal peace of mind, happiness and the end of all suffering (?).
There is a great emphasis on the need for properly carried out
investigation of thought processes etc, and the necessity for
vigilance from "being distracted by self-centred thoughts".
All of this activity is based on the principle of the
enquirer "getting oneness" and maintaining personal possession of it.
The effect of the state of awareness is apparent movement into a
place of detachment which at first feels very freeing, powerful and
safe . . . rather like being in a glass box from which life can be
watched without the watcher being affected. It is still a subtly
dual personal experience within the dream-story of separation and so
it is transitory.
Awareness of life happening is not 'Being life'.
Predictably the state of awareness (Buddhist mindfulness) is easily
forgotten or mislaid, or it can be overwhelmed by dream thinking or
any powerful emotional situation, for instance. The glass box
shatters and the place you seemed to be in seems lost again. The
dream seeker either starts self-enquiring again, for another boost,
or it is realised that awareness is just another refuge from within
the dream of separation. All of this is simply the _expression of
Another way for the dream seeker to avoid simply Being is to try to
understand or develop clarity about its own nature. It is very easy
to get stuck in `Advaita' or `non-dual' concepts. The singular and
unrelenting reiteration of such ideas as "all there is is
Being", "everything is the _expression of Being" or "there is no one"
are an arid and simplistic form of communication. It doesn't address
or illuminate the dream seeker's apparent dilemma and it obviously
ignores the primary energetic essence of the implicit aliveness of
simply Being.
To continuously say that being awake or being asleep is not relevant
because "Being is all there is" is like telling a blind person that
it's OK to be blind because "seeing is all there is". This is pure
idealism. Of course, there is no such thing as being asleep or being
awake, but this is not seen until there is no one looking.
The Open Secret communication is not dependent on clear concepts,
however much they may expose confused concepts. Speaking happens and
words can only point to another possibility which is beyond verbal
_expression. It is the eternally new message which is hidden within
the scriptures and either overlooked or rejected in the `mind'.
The idea of prescriptive teaching, guidance or the offer of any kind
of help simply does not arise. This is a message without hope or
comfort of any kind for the individual, but invariably the dream
seeker will still believe that something is on offer … this is the
function of seeking. It is also possible that all that will be left
is nothing, and then another possibility could arise. However, there
is no agenda or motive because nothing is for sale.
It is possible that clarity could arise, but absolute understanding
is not liberation. Nevertheless, all of this conceptual
communication is secondary to the primary element that is most
illuminating. That primary element is energetic, impersonal
aliveness … the implicit, vibrant wonder of simply Being. It is an
energetic shift, apparently out of contraction into boundlessness.
This boundlessness cannot be owned and so cannot be given. Its
simplicity utterly confounds the `mind', but what arises is an
impersonal recognition that there is no-one and nothing to be
liberated. All ideas of separation, individual suffering, free will,
choice, meaning and purpose, destiny, hierarchy and tradition, are
simply seen by no-one as the dream-play of Being.
It seems that the seeking `mind' is fascinated by struggle and
complexity. The whole fabric of seeking is full of stories of great
edifices, seemingly arising out of simple beginnings. Buddhism,
Christianity and so many other dogmas, arise and grow and fight each
other over having better gods. Catechisms of sin and worthiness,
degrees of awareness and levels of enlightenment are investigated,
dissected and struggled over.
The mind loves the idea of enlightenment being some kind of distant,
virtually unobtainable, perfect place of permanent bliss, free from
suffering and full of omniscience, omnipresence and lots of other
important `omni's' stomping around, shouting the odds and saving the
world. And of course, because all this glory and specialness has to
be attained, it seems there has to be a long haul through the dark
night of the soul, endless past karmas, original sin, right-
thinking, right action and preparation for the bardos. "It is a tale
told by a fool, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."
Yet Natural Being is such an ordinary and gentle constant. When it
is seen it is. When it is avoided it is. It requires no effort and
demands no standards. Being timeless there is no path to tread, no
debt to pay. It is already totally known. When this is heard and
confusion collapses, when the contraction of struggling to get
something falls away and the vibrant energy of being aliveness
becomes apparent, something else is seen, very naturally of course,
because it is already all that is.
Tony Parsons
1st July 2006
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Gnostic Lectures by Stephan Hoeller
These selected Free Lectures change, so check back (or subscribe to our infrequent Newsletter) to download the new offerings. Even our free and easy-to-create membership account is not required to access these audio files -- just click and listen or download!
In addition to these selections, you will find additional lectures in our large catalog marked as FREE. To find these, browse through the catalog and look for the FREE label. Add the lecture to your shopping cart and checkout. There will be no charge at checkout.
The lectures here are offered in two formats: As a "streaming" MP3 file which will begin playing immediately when you "click", or just like our downloadable product in the BC Recordings catalog, as an MP3 file contained in a "zip" archive which you download and save to your computer for later listening.
Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing
Catalog #100100, Running Time 47:25. Listen or Download
The Greatest Treasures of Nag Hammadi
Catalog #100700. Running Time 79:52. Listen or Download
An Introduction to The Gospel of Judas
Running Time 39:11. Listen or Download
Reflections on "The Da Vinci Code"
Running Time 36:59. Listen or Download
Friday, September 01, 2006
Our Holy Inheritance
and what God is; all concepts you have learned about the world; all
images you hold about yourself. Empty your mind of everything it
thinks is either true or false or good or bad; of every thought it
judges worthy and all the ideas of which it is ashamed. Hold onto
nothing. Do not bring with you one thought the past has taught, nor
one belief you ever learned before from anything. Forget this world,
forget with wholly empty hands unto your God."
A Course in Miracles
from blog:
Monday, August 21, 2006
The Voice for God
Dear David ,
It's nice to be writing you. I hope this email finds you well.
This past year, Candace and I conducted 76 workshops around the country teaching people how to hear God's Voice within them.
Because our curriculum was so effective at teaching people how to connect with the Holy Spirit within them, we have created an inspiring flash movie called The Voice for God that includes a FREE 30 day audio series designed to walk people through the same teachings we shared with you in person.
We are writing you because we want to make these teachings as widely available as possible and want to share this inspiring movie with you and your community. We think it's one of the most exciting, free offerings available anywhere for hearing God's Voice within, and there are absolutely no strings attached. People can download all of the audio lessons, or read and print out the transcripts. The curriculum is nearly identical to the one we presented in person this past year. Below is the announcement email we recently sent to our personal mailings list two days ago.
To watch the inspiring 3 minute flash movie now, please click here. We'd love to hear what you think about it. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Many blessings to you.
With love,
DavidPaul Doyle
Thanks DavidPaul & Candace,
I just returned from my travels to Arhus, Denmark & Goteborg, Sweden, and my freind Alex showed me the movie this morning. Thanks for offering this movie and the free lessons to all the world.
Today Alex and Anna and I meet with Swedish filmaker Kay Pollak, who has been an ACIM student for many years and recently made: "As It IS In Heaven." He shares his book and a course on living happiness with many interested people here in Sweden.
Love & Blessings,
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Immortal and Real
from miracles alliance newsletter
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Seminar on Some of the 'Maverick' Gospels
Mary, Judas, and Other Maverick Gospels
Charles W. Hedrick
At least thirty-four gospels were composed in the first and second centuries. Some we only know by name. Those that have survived offer different perspectives on Jesus of Nazareth. In the second century, one wing of the many groups tracing their origins to Jesus designated four gospels as authoritative for faith. These Christians styled themselves as "orthodox"—meaning their confession was "right." The other gospels were discredited, and the groups using these "maverick" gospels were described as "heretics"—meaning their confession was "warped," and hence wrong. But were these gospels "warped"? This workshop will focus on the gospels of Mary, Judas and Secret Mark, assessing their significance for understanding Christian origins.
Charles Hedrick is Distinguished Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies at Missouri State University. A member of the UNESCO team of scholars who reconstructed and translated the Nag Hammadi Codices, he is the author of several books, including The Gospel of the Savior (with Paul Mirecki, 1999).
Wednesday, October 18
9–10, 10:30–11:30 am, 1–2, 2:30–3:30 pm
October 18–21, 2006
Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa, California
The Power of Now
by Eckhart Tolle, © 1999 by Eckhart Tolle, New World Library, 191 pp.
A New Classic
"We live in an explosion of spiritual writing. In addition to tons of recent books on Christian inspiration, there are breakthroughs in scholarship, archaeology, and an ocean of writings on meditation, the New Age, and Eastern religions. In the flood of information, it's only natural to wonder—What do I read? What will help me with something I don't already know? What will be forgotten in five years, and what will endure?
"Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now is a superb book already being hailed as a classic. . . "more
from frimmin
Saturday, June 17, 2006
perception = 0
Dear David,
I don't know if you answer e-mail anymore but I could think of no one else to address this question to. I have been reading an interpretation of the New Testament and find it very confusing. Parts of it I find truly beautiful and moving but it seems to swing back to saying, over and over, that the world is a wonderful, valid expression of fun and curiosity and go ahead and enjoy it. I keep thinking, how can something that is nothing be wonderful, valid and enjoyable? Am I missing something here? Do you see the truth in what was written? I want to continue to try to understand what is written if it is truly helpful, but it seems to be clashing with some of what I'm reading in ACIM. I trust your discernment more than I trust my own, please tell me what you think. Love
Beloved One,
Thanks for writing. What you are experiencing is a good opportunity for discernment. A scribe or writer is limited in accuracy based on the depth of experience and consistency in making no exceptions to Truth. Writings, like those you refer to, are best used for one's own discernment. Yes, the world of perception is nothing and cannot be endowed with positive or negative attributes. The experience of Joy comes from releasing all attempts to understand, to fix, or enjoy specifics.
I am reminded of lesson 128, "The world I see holds nothing that I want." Your discernment is in alignment with this lesson, and I rejoice with you in the deepening of your awareness. Keep working directly with ACIM, and use other writngs as more opportunities for discernment. Salvation is no compromise of any kind.
Blessings of Love, David
To read archived messages, go to the online version of AwakeningInChrist Yahoo Group at:
Thursday, June 15, 2006
the secret: video
Greetings of Peace. At 3 locations during my recent travels and gatherings groups of people gathered to watch the movie "The Secret" and said it was very helpful. People watch the movie and begin applying the Divine Principle immediately and with miraculous results! For those who have not seen it I suggest you watch it. You may even be Guided to watch it several times.
My friends Buddy & Phil recently passed along the following link to watch the complete movie by clicking this link:
You can also order a copy from:
Miracles Abound!!! I talked to my friend Lisa this morning and she and her husband Peter Phippin are opening the house in Manheim, PA for Awakening gatherings and workshops and intensives. Contact Lisa at: or call her at: 717-665-7452 (h) , 717-629-1038 (m) if you are interested in holding an event at the house where we all recently gathered and celebrated during the end of May. Lisa and Peter will also be traveling and shining the Light of God where they are Invited & Welcomed. Contact them if you would like to discuss a possible visit. Lisa will be joining Peter in New England at the end of this week and I am sure they would love to visit you if you are along their route of travel.
Showers of Love & Happiness & Joy Always,
Saturday, May 20, 2006
David on Lack
Dearly Beloved,
The best indicator of connection to God is how one feels, and this indicator is the best because it is not dependent on any particular "form outcome." A mind that looks to "form outcomes" is deceived and will not experience a lasting Peace. State of mind (how one feels) IS the outcome of which thought system one is aligned with (God or ego). Money is nothing, though if a mind believes in ego (belief in lack/reciprocity), money is endowed with false value.
The belief in lack/reciprocity is the belief in substitution, for the ego is the chosen "substitute" for Source, for God. The reason money seems valuable is because it seems to be highly exchangable for many "things" that meet illusory needs, whether they seem emotional,
physical, or spiritual. Like medicine, money is like a magic spell of the world that seems to make illusory problems disappear for awhile. Yet until the ego has been released entirely, the mind perceives needs and external means (false sources) to meet the perceived needs.
It all comes down to this: one must accept One Self as Changeless Divine Mind. The only step to this is realizing that the world cannot change, for it is an unreal effect of an unreal cause. They world CANNOT change. Asking for things to be different than they are is an impossible request.
Money, like all effects (images of the ego) is never a source. The meaningful request is a request to see the world differently (as an unreal effect of an unreal cause) and to thus accept the Fact that there is only One Source. God is the ONLY Source. The only question, problem or confusion is one of identity and has absolutely nothing to do with money. Trust would settle every problem now, for to trust is to be God dependent. The reversal of thought necessary to realize God dependence is a full 360 degree turn around, so to speak,
and this means the realization that there are no cause/effect relationships in this world that are true.
If all the images (including money) are effects, there is no cause or source to be found in this world. God is True Source and Christ the True Effect. Therefore the secret to true prayer is to forget the things you think you think and think you need by withdrawing faith in
the temporal and transitory. What is eternal is valuable, as what is of time is valueless by definition. With regard to this world, Purpose is the only "value" that can be given faith if you would be God dependent.
Giving and receiving are one. One always receives EXACTLY what one asks for. The problem or confusion one may seem to experience in perception comes about from the belief in "manifesting," which IS the belief in "time." Eternity does not manifest, Being One forever.
Manifesting is the belief that the Eternal can take form, that Infinity can become finite, that Spirit can enter matter. Awakening is the experience of forgiving the illusion of "manifesting," for What Identity Is is Spirit. Christ comes not into form, but Calls you "out of the world" to recognize your Self as Eternal Spirit.
Is there a willingness to release the idea of manifesting forever and experience Peace of Mind? This is the same as asking "Are you willing to accept your Self as God created You instead of trying to make yourself?" The belief in manifesting can be released for it is not
true. Spirit can and inevitably must be accepted, for It is true. The belief in linear time is a defense against the Holy Instant, for time is but a denial of Eternity.
Beloved Child of God, You have been released of the grievance of time and there is no delay in what Your thoughts create instantly and forever. The belief in time and manifesting is an unwillingness to accept the Instant Answer Now, and one can only receive what one is
willing to hear and see. When one asks for a sign or for an outcome or for an accountability for money donated, one asks amiss, for one is asking out of lack. When one has voluntarily released the beliefs in manifesting and time, one can then honestly ask: "God, what is
Your Will for me?" Prayer is always answered according to what the
mind is willing to receive. And in the deepest prayer of the heart you shall realize what is meant by the statement "My thoughts create eternally."
There is a difference between create and make, and a difference between extension and projection. Love creates, the ego makes. Love extends, the ego projects. In Love being and having are the same. To the ego, possession and having are the same and in a world of lack
what you get is what you have. How utterly impossible is manifesting/getting and how absolutely true is Creation/Giving. Reciprocity is a question of identity. Trust is the way out of the false belief in a worldly identity. It takes trust to change your mind so completely that you forget the concepts of time and manifesting forever. And happily it requires only willingness and not time.
If you drop the "thought process" entirely you make way for the Vision of Christ. If this be your desire, the world of unreal effects will be shown to be causeless and you will laugh at the thoughts that money or any image could be a real "source" or that the Holy Child of
God "needs" anything. One's real thoughts create eternally, yet no thoughts of the past or future are real thoughts. The Stillness of Now is the Answer.
The Holy Spirit will direct your thoughts and actions very specifically if you allow Him. Give all concepts of money and manifesting and time to Him to use for His Purpose, and they shall be removed from your Holy mind. For You are Wholly Mind, and nothing of the world can ever BE understood. Who You are IS the Meaning.
Love & Blessings,
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Choose Once Again Conference
Choose Once Again: MDC's International Conference on A Course in Miracles
August 26-27, 2006
Join us for an unforgettable celebration of 30 years of A Course in Miracles with the Course's publisher, Judith Skutch Whitson. First printed in 1976, the Course has now been translated into 14 languages. Also joining us will be Efrat Sar Shalom, a member of the translation team of the Hebrew edition of the Course and Seffi Henegbi, who, along with Efrat, has established a desert retreat in Israel where they teach the Course.
Rounding out the weekend will be physicist Russell Targ, psychologist Lee Jampolsky, speaker Jacob Glass and international lecturer and author Beverly Hutchinson McNeff.
Inspirational lectures, experiential exercises, music and interaction with Course students from around the world will combine into an experience of the miraculous!
For more information, visit
Monday, May 08, 2006
On Questioning
From a correspondance of the Holy Instant Christian Church--
Last month we showed that one's mind doing nothing allows extension of the miraculous state of being which Jesus tells us heals the sick, raises the dead, and lifts our world to light beyond belief ... a state of being available to all. We indicated that Jesus Christ's revelation for the 21st century, A Course in Miracles, does not teach us to do with our mind, but to UNdo our habits of mind. We experience unbelievable miracles by resting in trust and not engaging our mind whatsoever.
This month we will attempt to disengage one of the ego's greatest doing devices: question asking.
You might remember Yoda trying to teach Luke Skywalker in "Return of the Jedi." Luke needed to learn he already knows everything he needs to know in the now moment. He could not have come to experience his perfect now moment knowingness if he hadn't totally released the ego habit of asking questions. So in the movie we enjoyed scene after scene of Luke lapsing into his addiction of asking while Yoda again and again offers the same Jedi response: "No questions!"
Jesus Christ's Course puts it this way: "That is why the Holy Spirit never questions. His sole function is to undo the questionable and thus lead to certainty. The certain are perfectly calm, because they are not in doubt. They do not raise questions, because nothing questionable enters their minds. This holds them in perfect serenity, because this is what they share, knowing what they are." (ACIM Text Chap. 7)
You already know this, though maybe you still like to pretend you don't.
And therein lies the problem. Remember, the ego constantly tries to convince you that you are not who you really are. You are not really infinite mind who knows everything. You are not even a spiritual being who is automatically aware of everything you need to know to operate perfectly in the now moment. The ego wants you to pretend you have a minuscule little mind which really has no choice but to ask questions to learn things.
(Listen inside. What do you hear? If you hear a defense of asking questions, you may be more stuck than you think.)
From the Holy Spirit's way of seeing things, a so-called "human mind" addicted to asking questions is simply expressing arrogance, ultimately from a secret motive of hatred, since peace would have no reason whatsoever to ask:
"Attempt to solve no problems but within the Holy Instant's surety. For there the problem will be answered and resolved. Outside, there will be no solution, for there is no answer there that could be found. Nowhere outside a single, simple question is ever asked. The world can only ask a double question, with many answers, none of which will do. It does not ask a question to be answered, but only to restate its point of view. All questions asked within this world are but a way of looking, not a question asked. A question asked in hate cannot be answered, because it is an answer in itself. A double question asks and answers, both attesting the same thing, in different form." (ACIM Text Chapter 27)
To an advanced teacher of God it is obvious that question asking does not arise from any need to know. It is simply the insanity of ego raising its voice in the hopes that making enough noise heckling God will serve to mask its own confused state.
In the unedited version of the Course, Jesus tells Helen Schucman: "The ego is the questioning compartment in the post-separation psyche which man created for himself. It is capable of asking valid questions, but not of perceiving wholly valid answers, because these are cognitive, and cannot be perceived. The endless speculation about the meaning of mind has led to considerable confusion because the mind is confused. Only One-Mindedness is without confusion. A separate, or divided, mind MUST be confused. A divided mind is uncertain by definition. It has to be in conflict because it is out of accord with itself." (ACIM Text Chap. 3)
Notice the Course just gave the addict something to grasp onto for justifying the addiction to question asking: Christ's statement that the ego is capable of asking valid questions. But that's not the point of the above passage. Being capable has nothing to do with necessity. There is simply no need to ask questions thought up by the intellect, and in fact doing so is a delaying device of the ego.
In the Bible we read of the scribe who really grasped that his mind needed to quit questioning and focus only on God ... and Jesus indicates he will delay himself not much longer:
"And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no man after durst ask him any question." (Mark 12:34)
Those addicted to asking questions will also attempt to support their addictions using those portions of the Course which talk about allowing to be open to question that which we've always believed. "Questioning delusions is the first step in undoing them." But the questioning here referred to, impulses rising from deep within which undo rather than seek formulated answers, are a different kind of "questioning" than the addict's obsessive compulsion of the engaged intellect. Notice how in the unedited version Jesus directs Helen to put quotation marks around "questioning mind:"
"The 'questioning mind' perceives itself in time, and therefore looks for future answers. The unquestioning mind is closed merely because it believes the future and the present will be the same. This establishes an unchanged state, or stasis. This is usually an attempt to counteract an underlying fear that the future will be WORSE than the present, and this fear inhibits the tendency to question at all." (ACIM Text Chap. 3)
You might say there is questioning and there is asking questions ... and they are not the same. Asking questions is the ego's attempt to pretend it does not already know what is needed, while questioning is the act of turning within and "hearing" or "feeling" exactly what we really need to know any given moment. Turning within for answers without questions was Luke Skywalker's training and eventual mastery.
So our goal with this month's message is to take control of our mind and let this addiction be cured. We make a commitment to train ourselves as Luke Skywalker was trained by Yoda. We choose to watch our intellect, and when our intellect begins to ask a question which has no reason to be asked we say to it:
"Stop! Trust!No questions!"
My Blog List
What Ego's Absence Reveals6 days ago
Plans6 years ago
Double Triptych18 years ago